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Cloudflare custom DDNS - In-A-Dyn

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Regular Contributor
Helo good people :)

I have a AX88U with latest merlin magic.

I recently got a new internet provider and it seems they are changing the WAN IP a bite more often than I would like to, but I have added some script what feels now milions years ago in order to update my cloudflare a subdomain once per day.

So, went on searching the script in order to try to update the refresh interval, and have found that I am using inadyn.

Maybe I have understood this poorly:

In my /jffs/inadyn.conf there is a part:

GNU nano 7.2 /jffs/inadyn.conf
# In-A-Dyn v2.0 configuration file format
period = 300
user-agent = Mozilla/5.0

period would mean seconds, so every 5 min, script would check and if different than current ip in provider, it will change to the new and actual one?

Problem is that is working but with a big delay, so how do make it update and check more regularly? I have changed the value to 60.
Asuswrt does not run inadyn as a daemon, so frequency is irrelevant. The firmware will rerun inadyn whenever the WAN stage changes.
Asuswrt does not run inadyn as a daemon, so frequency is irrelevant. The firmware will rerun inadyn whenever the WAN stage changes.
So, I've installed through amtm this WAN IP notification script and it emails me a few days times where my new ip was changed every 20-30min or so. It wen through a few of then in the time period of 6 hours. Inadyn got updated with a delay and even now, my wan ip is, at least according to updated one on cloudlare, a delayed one and not the current one. It seems that script didn't run when the IP change was detected.
How much of a delay? I use no-ip and it generally takes around 15 minutes for ip changes to "propogate" through their servers. There's nothing I can do about this delay.
How much of a delay? I use no-ip and it generally takes around 15 minutes for ip changes to "propogate" through their servers. There's nothing I can do about this delay.
Well, after a few emails from wicens script, they also stopped coming, but the latest was yesterday, around 12h before me writing this. This morning, I've checked my IP and it was different (they only change like last two numbers), and on my cloud it was different. But according to the last email about wan ip change I got, the IP address that's on Cloudflare was used like 13h ago and it was used only for 22m.

Additional problem is that we are moving and the new service providers hasn't set up the fiber modem still in bridge-mode (somehow they have to do it), so I cannot access my router from work anyway.
So, I am in bridge mode now.

*** NOTICE ***

WAN IP for router. at 10.1.x.x on your
RT-AX88U router has changed

New WAN IP : 100.66.x.x

Warning - the new WAN IP is a CGNAT address
You may not be able to access your local network
from outside your network

Email came three hours ago, my cloudflare is still not updated. So, what do I do? :) I mean, I can try some domain with porkbun, but here we have a real delay.
So, another strange problem. When I visit whatsmy ip I get something like 194.x.x.128 and I do refresh and its 194.x.x.129 then 194.x.x.130 then 194.x.x.133 and so on.

When I check my router gui, I have something like 100.xx.xx.xxx, so totally different... I have tried all for my vpn, but none worked. Any help would be appreciated :)
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So, another strange problem. When I visit whatsmy ip I get something like 194.x.x.128 and I do refresh and its 194.x.x.129 then 194.x.x.130 then 194.x.x.133 and so on.

When I check my router gui, I have something like 100.xx.xx.xxx, so totally different... I have tried all for my vpn, but none worked. Any help would be appreciated :)

The different addresses may be due to CGNAT. Some providers offer the opportunity to have a "proper" IPv4 for a small fee. Ask to your provider if they offer this service as well.
New WAN IP : 100.66.x.x

Warning - the new WAN IP is a CGNAT address
You may not be able to access your local network
from outside your network
You can´t reach your router from "outside" via ip4 because your provider uses CGNAT.
Do you get an ipv6?
As you can see in my signature my only way to connect to my router is to connect via ipv6.
So, another strange problem. When I visit whatsmy ip I get something like 194.x.x.128 and I do refresh and its 194.x.x.129 then 194.x.x.130 then 194.x.x.133 and so on.

When I check my router gui, I have something like 100.xx.xx.xxx, so totally different... I have tried all for my vpn, but none worked. Any help would be appreciated :)

You have run into a problem that I experienced.

Your ISP is using CGNAT - simply put, your external IP is shared with other users, and your ISP assigns you a 100.xxx.xxx.xxx from the "reserved space". Because the external IP is shared, you cannot use it exclusively (so no VPN, hosting etc.)

You will need to check if your ISP is providing IPv6 - if so, this may be an alternative? Most ISPs that use CGNAT offer a paid upgrade for a static IP (or even a non-CGNAT) or use a L2TP tunnel?

Or depending on your configuration, you should consider installing the Tailscale - it uses "relays" that bypass CGNAT. You will then be able to use Tailscale VPN to access your local network. But you still won't be able to expose any server hosted locally to the wider internet.

Here's Tailscale: https://www.snbforums.com/threads/t...w-available-in-amtm.89860/page-21#post-914416
You can´t reach your router from "outside" via ip4 because your provider uses CGNAT.
Do you get an ipv6?
As you can see in my signature my only way to connect to my router is to connect via ipv6.
So, called them today and for me to have access to my router, I need to pay 2,90€ ($3,1) per month and will have also a fixed IP. So, asked for that I should be organized in the next 24h, then let's see. They were also surprised that second level changed the IP super fast, 192.x.x.133 then basically minute later would be .128 at the end, then 131 and so on, it even changed super fast as I refreshed the browser to check the IP.

Now, how do I get my router gui to show me on the first page my real WAN IP und nicht internet 100.66.x.x? :)

Different question, could be a reason that my iptv was not working? Because when I connected the router to other internet provider it worked instantly. On the new internet connection with CGNAT, 50% of the time it's not working.

Thank you for all the help so far!
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