New Around Here
I am dipping my toe into home networking and wish to upgrade the router my ISP gave me. As I understand it, I can put my router into modem-only mode and connect a third-part router to do everything else. The advantages being that, unlike ISP-provided routers, these third-party routers have far more that can be configured (such as VPNs).
I am currently choosing between a set of Merlin-compatible ASUS routers. I am able to get all of these routers for about the same price. Given this, is any one of these routers any better than any of the others? Or are they all basically the same?
Also, are the 2nd and 3rd routers in my list actually the same router just in different cases? When comparing the tech specs, they seem to be identical.
I am currently choosing between a set of Merlin-compatible ASUS routers. I am able to get all of these routers for about the same price. Given this, is any one of these routers any better than any of the others? Or are they all basically the same?
Also, are the 2nd and 3rd routers in my list actually the same router just in different cases? When comparing the tech specs, they seem to be identical.