Hello,I tend to agree here - the phone is much more aware of the network than the network trying to detect if the phone is present.
Thinking out loud - it's early and I haven't had my coffee yet...
Android has this capability thru the ConnectivityManager API, so it can tell when the network has actually changed (e.g. from idleState to connected). Writing an app is likely outside of the skillset of OP, but I'm not making that assumption just yet...
This almost sounds like a job of IFTTT - https://ifttt.com/
And get the phone to send the magic packet when it attaches to the home network (and during a time/day of one's choice) - again, because it's easier for the phone to detect where it is...
Thank you for this,
Unfortunately i have no skills in creating apps. I have tried to look for a WOL app which has timer functions but i cant seem to find one which is free and not full of ads.
Thanks again