It is interesting, guys. Some statistics. Currently, only today, there are 294 downloads of this firmware. 11 hours since my advertisement. I guess that my build is (relatively) popular over the world. But, the only single "like" from
SwampKracker (thanks to him). US, UK, DE, NL, CH, RU, SW, DK, other countries... You know, it is very important for us to have some "thanks" showing that our efforts are not a useless waste of the time. I do not mean donation, but just a "thank you". It is easy to download and use fw. But if you want this project to be continued, spend 5 sec of your time to click this "like". It is not only my job, but other guys: kamoj, vladlenas do a lot for you. They are happy when your push this damn [like] button. Sometimes I start to think: what for I and these guys do all of this...
Well. The same for R9000 owners. Even worse. R7800 owners are more active.