I noticed that every time the zombie slayer script ran, I wound up with 0 cfg_server processes running, instead of 3 or so.
So, I thought “could it be that it’s killing the wrong process first‽” and fixed up your edits to make sure not to kill that one. But still I was winding up with zero. I decided to add a break to only kill one process. Again zero. Grabbed a random one from the list and ran
kill -15 pid
. all dead.
I have once again run up against the edges of my cleverness. Here’s the state of the script, which I’m quite happy with overall and would use if I didn’t have that second node. (note: this happens whether or not one has multiple nodes, to say nothing of AIMesh)
TL;DR runaway cfg_server issues will happen regardless of AIMesh usage; killing one of the 1012 processes kills them all, killing connection to nodes; i have no idea how to deal with root cause
(re root cause: As
@SomeWhereOverTheRainBow points out: lockfile? process never returning? idk)
# This script relies on parsing strings, don't include `cfg_server` in its name
awk_pidof() { ps wT | awk '/\scfg_server/{if( $0 !~ /awk/)printf "%s ", $1}'; }
if [ "$(ps wT | awk -v var="$(basename "$0")" '{if( $0 !~ /awk/ && $0 ~ /$var/ )printf "%s ", $1}' | wc -w)" -gt 1 ]; then
echo "Exiting zombie slayer because it thinks it's a duplicate process"
while :; do
while [ "$(awk_pidof | wc -w)" -le 3 ]; do sleep 5; done;
/usr/bin/logger "Zombie slayer detects excess cfg_server processes"
# echo "Zombie slayer detects excess cfg_server processes"
parent_pid=$(pstree -s cfg_server | awk '{if($0 !~ /init/)printf "%i", $2}')
for pid in $(awk_pidof); do
if [ "$pid" != "$parent_pid" ]; then
# echo "killing pid $pid"
/bin/kill -s 9 $pid &
# /usr/bin/logger "Zombie slayer killing pid $pid"
i=$((i + 1))
/usr/bin/logger "Zombie slayer back to sleep after killing $i processes"
# echo "Zombie slayer back to sleep after killing $i processes"
inevitably someone is going to say “why don’t you just kill all the processes always and forever, and switch how your nodes work?" the short answer is, i’m a software person not a hardware person and i dread having to think about channels and juggling multiple SSIDs and whatnot. I only need the second node for a tiny corner of my home, but I *need* that node for that tiny corner of my home.