v1.5.6-beta2 Release:
***Disclaimer: This is a beta release and has been untested***
Manually upgrade to this beta by running the following command" ***Allow for cronjob to relaunch the script***
/usr/sbin/curl -s "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Ranger802004/asusmerlin/main/wan-failover_v1.5.6-beta2.sh" -o "/jffs/scripts/wan-failover.sh" && chmod 755 /jffs/scripts/wan-failover.sh && sh /jffs/scripts/wan-failover.sh restart
To revert back to Production Release:
/jffs/scripts/wan-failover.sh update
***WARNING: IPv6 issues may occur from new service restart logic during failover, please test and provide debug logging data if you experience issues***
Release Notes:
- Added a confirmation prompt to Restart Mode.
- Fixed visual bugs when running Restart Mode.
- Load Balance Monitor now triggers Service Restart function during failover events.
- IPv6 services are restarted for Failover events.
- YazFi trigger during service restart will no longer run process in the background to prevent issues with script execution of YazFi.
- IP Rules should no longer create conflict with other scripts such as VPNMON.
- Target IPs for both interfaces can now be the same the Target IP.
- Added Recursive Ping Check feature. If packet loss is not 0% during a check, the Target IP Addresses will be checked again based on the number of iterations specified by this setting. RECURSIVEPINGCHECK (Value is in # of iterations). Default: 1
- Resolved issues that prevented 4G USB Devices from properly working in Failover Mode.