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Dual WAN not giving me double the bandwidth

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Senior Member
I connected my Xiaomi 14 Ultra to my router's GT-AX6000 USB port and setup the mobile hotspot and enabled USB Terheting but my internet is getting double the speed despite me choosing load balancing. I know the phone is providing internet because when I set the first device as USB, my upload speed went from 350MBPS to 50 MBPS which is what I normally get from the phone's 5G connection so I didn't get that 50MBPS added to my current 350MBPS upload when doing a speed test nor did my download speed increase which I get 935MBPS from the router and smartphone should give me another 1GBPS theoretically. I kept he load balancing at 3:1 initially then tried 1:1 but same result.

Am I missing something here or is this now how it's supposed to work?
Did you performed the speed test selecting the option "Multi" (https://www.speedtest.net/)?
Multi is the default actually but still only showing me the speed that I normally get with my main router

Am I missing something here or is this now how it's supposed to work?
Here is how Asus explains load balancing (as they use it) in several support links:
Load Balance Mode:

While enabling the Load Balance Mode, you can distribute the load between the Primary WAN and Secondary WAN. In this mode, you can also configure a particular device to use either the Primary or Secondary WAN.

For example, you can configure your game console connected to your local network to use the primary WAN and the smart phone to use the secondary WAN. Additionally, you get more options to route requests through either the Primary or Secondary WAN.

By enabling routing rules and adding rules appropriately, you can route requests from a particular device through the Primary WAN or Secondary WAN.

Note: The system will separate Internet sessions based on the load between the Primary WAN and Secondary WAN, instead of the overall bandwidth or overall data rate.

Please refer to [Wireless Router] Understanding Dual WAN Load Balancing to learn more.
[Wireless Router] Understanding Dual WAN Load Balancing
Q: Why can't we expect dual WAN load balancing to combine the bandwidth of two internet connections? For example, 100Mbps + 400Mbps does not equal 500Mbps bandwidth.

A: Dual WAN load balancing can distribute network traffic across two internet connections, but it cannot combine the bandwidth of these connections. In other words, each individual connection can only provide its maximum speed, so the total speed will be limited by the maximum speed of each individual connection.

In your case, the maximum speed you can achieve through dual WAN load balancing is 400Mbps because this is the maximum speed of your faster internet connection. However, the actual speed you achieve will depend on the load balancing algorithm used and how network traffic is distributed across the two connections.
I use a non-Asus router/firewall as main router.
In my router the load balance has 2 option that can be configured:
- per session
- per address

If per session is used, no spreading of traffic between the 2 WANs can be done.
If per address is used, speedtest.net using the Multi option actually shows the cumulative bandwidth.

But per address might cause problems with security when using https connections, ex. for banking apps.

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