Thank you for posting the link to russian forum as well as the command line command to resolve the issue. I had been facing this issue with Nextcloud for 1 month now - RAn the command and the issue went away. Nice one ! THank you.So I was wondering why my wordpress keep complaining that "zip" PHP module is not installed or not enabled.
Today when I run "/opt/bin/php-cgi" command and this is what I found:
Bash:root@R7800:/tmp/mnt/sda1/entware/share/nginx/html$ /opt/bin/php-cgi PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '' (tried: /opt/lib/php/ ( cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory), /opt/lib/php/ (/opt/lib/php/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)) in Unknown on line 0
I search across the web and found one solution written in Russian:
Bash:/opt/bin/opkg list-installed|grep -v "libc "|sed 's/ - .*$//'|grep lib|grep -v libpthread|grep -v libgcc|xargs -n 5 /opt/bin/opkg --force-reinstall install
After waited for a while for the packages reinstallation, the "zip" PHP module not install or not enabled issue went away.