Thanks to the threat of competition from Google, AT&T ran fiber to our area and we recently went from 6Mb DSL (more like 4.8 Mb down/.150 up) to AT&T gigabit service. We have an OLD Netgear firewall router and we are only getting 10 Mb speed. When we bypassed the router we got anywhere from 380 to 890 Mbps so we need to get a new firewall router. I was going to get a NETGEAR ProSAFE FVS336G (300NAS) which shows a WAN to LAN throughput of 776 Mb but then I read a comment that the max internet speed for that was 350 Mb. While that would be a huge improvement over what we've had, it doesn't seem right to buy a firewall router that only provides 1/3 of the capacity of our service when its brand new.
Are there other alternatives that would provide the hardware firewall and more speed without spending an arm and a leg? We have four computers, NAS and a couple of printers. We do not need wireless.
Are there other alternatives that would provide the hardware firewall and more speed without spending an arm and a leg? We have four computers, NAS and a couple of printers. We do not need wireless.