I’m not sure this helps understand your issue, but I noticed today that while I had a large series of OneDrive uploads happening from a PC, and they were classified as “Microsoft Live.com” (Web Surfing). I didn’t like that since I considered it File Upload/Download, so I added an AppDB rule to put 0D0078 in Downloads and hit Apply. After the page refreshed, the connections previously tracked as Microsoft Live.com were now showing as Untracked.
Not until the connection was closed did new connections get classified by the DPI engine as Microsoft Live.com. I’m speculating that if the dpi engine doesn’t witness the beginning of the connection, it won’t always categorize it correctly.
Still not sure if or how this might apply to your scenario, but I found it odd.
On the plus side, by moving the traffic to Downloads, it correctly uses the full upload bandwidth (set as 22 Mb) but relinquishes the bandwidth when a higher priority class requests bandwidth. In the screenshot below, I ran an Xfinity speedtest from my phone which gets classified as Others. Once the upload speedtest was over, it went back to using as much bandwidth as it could.
I was happy to finally see a useful benefit from my graphs to prove QoS is working as intended.
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