I didn't change anything in networkmap between those levels. The only time I've seen this happen is when there's a misbehaving client creating an 'arp storm' that drives networkmap crazy (I have a SD HDHomeRun that likes to do this about every 6 months for some reason...a reboot of the HDHR fixes it).@john9527 After I upgraded to E4 from E2, my client list keeps showing as "0" even after 30 minutes. Is there a command line or something to reset the list?
Probably the 'fix' I tried to put in for the failure to do a failover in dual wan. It seems as if they may also use that code to recover from a 'false' WAN down detection. I'll take another look and see if there is something better I can do. (Now I know why Merlin never touches dual WANHi @john9527. I have just updated to 22E4 and for some reason in the System Log page the WAN Uptime is 0 (even showing the legend "WAN is down"). I am accessing my router from a remote location right now, so obviously my connection is up and running... What can I do to help out debugging what's behind that?
After some testings a have new findings.The state isn't updated until all the scripts are finished. So you can't check for state=2 from vpnclient1-route-up. Just run your script from route-up.
And back to my original comment.....make sure you undo anything you do in ip_vpn.sh that may affect the restart (added routes, iptables adds, etc) in a down script.
Here's a merge of a short bash script I wrote that polls the state along with a couple of lines from my syslog taken during a restart.
Code:admin@AC68P-XXXXX:/tmp/home/root# /jffs/scripts/vpnstate.sh vpn_client1_state=2 Mon Jan 16 03:57:52 GMT 2017 vpn_client1_state=0 Mon Jan 16 03:58:22 GMT 2017 vpn_client1_state=1 Mon Jan 16 03:58:22 GMT 2017 Jan 16 03:58:29 custom script: Running /jffs/scripts/openvpn-event (args: tun11 1500 1558 10.1.xxx.xxx 10.1.xxx.xxx) Jan 16 03:58:29 vpnclient1-route-up: start Jan 16 03:58:33 vpnclient1-route-up: end vpn_client1_state=2 Mon Jan 16 03:58:33 GMT 2017
route-up /jffs/configs/ip_vpn.sh
ip route delete
ip route delete
# this function and 3 vars are normally defined elsewhere (in a library )
logerror(){ echo "$*"; }
if [ -z "$tun_p2p" ]; then
if ! get_ifip $tun_if tun_ip tun_pub tun_p2p; then
logerror "Unable to send request"
return 1
local url="$1"
local srv="$(echo "$1" |cut -d: -f2)"
[ "${srv:0:2}" = // ] && srv="${srv:2}"
local fn=/tmp/11-curl
rm -f $fn
nslookup "$srv" 2>/dev/null |grep -E "^Address " |while read line; do
if [ "${line:11:3}" != 127 ]; then
echo "$line" |cut -d" " -f3 >> $fn
if [ ! -s $fn ]; then
logerror "Unable to resolve target address(es)"
return 1
local data=
[ "$2" ] && data="-d \"$2\""
while read line; do
[ "$debugme" ] && echo "adding $line via $tun_p2p"
ip route add "$line" via $tun_p2p dev $tun_if
done < $fn
[ "$debugme" ] && set -x
curl11="$(curl --interface $tun_if $data "$1" 2> /dev/null)"
{ set +x; } 2>/dev/null
while read line; do
ip route del "$line" via $tun_p2p dev $tun_if
done < $fn
curl11 checkip.dyndns.com
echo "rc='$(echo "$curl11" |grep -oE "[0-9][0-9\.]+")'"
curl11 http://ipecho.net/plain
echo "rc='$curl11'"
Get end point ip-number with canufrank script nslookup.
nvram show | grep -E "productid|buildno|extendno"
./VPN_Client_Switch.sh status
(VPN_Client_Switch.sh): 928 Request..... [status]
(VPN_Client_Switch.sh): 928 VPN Client Status:
(VPN_Client_Switch.sh): 928 Client 1 connected via (VPN WAN I/P 212.38.xxx.xxx) (ovpnc1)
curl http://ipecho.net/plain;echo
curl --interface tun11 http://ipecho.net/plain;echo
No, Single Wan and Nat.@octopus
Anything special about your environment.....dual wan or double NAT?
Thank you @MartineauFYI.....on the latest RT-N66U firmware is @canufrank's script still required to retrieve the VPN endpoint WAN address?
Code:nvram show | grep -E "productid|buildno|extendno" buildno=374.43 productid=RT-N66U extendno=2-22E4j9527
Code:./VPN_Client_Switch.sh status (VPN_Client_Switch.sh): 928 Request..... [status] (VPN_Client_Switch.sh): 928 VPN Client Status: (VPN_Client_Switch.sh): 928 Client 1 connected via (VPN WAN I/P 212.38.xxx.xxx) (ovpnc1) curl http://ipecho.net/plain;echo 92.xxx.xxx.xxx curl --interface tun11 http://ipecho.net/plain;echo 212.38.xxx.xxx
FYI.....on the latest RT-N66U firmware is @canufrank's script still required to retrieve the VPN endpoint WAN address?
See Collins reply just below yours Here. You look whats there and see if that is your workstations mac. Then clone it if you wish using the button there. If you hover your mouse over the setting description you can see more info about it. Oh and router and modem is what he is referring to turning off but certainly all workstations is ok too.How do i know if i have a cloned mac adress and more important, how do i change it? and with everything off you mean everything... all computers and even routers and modem?
That's why I asked about his environment. In a basic setup you can get the VPN IP address with
- a command
ip route show table ovpnc1 | grep "via `nvram get wan0_gateway`" | awk -F' ' '{ print $1 }'
- if you are running within a script started by OpenVPN (like openvpn-event) from the environment var set by OpenVPN
and finally, I also tried your curl command which also works. I think this used to fail, but I can't think of what may changed to make it work now.
curl --interface tun11 http://ipecho.net/plain;echo
IIRC there was some special requirement that led to the canufrank script.
ip route show table ovpnc1 | grep "via `nvram get wan0_gateway`" | awk -F' ' '{ print $1 }'
curl --interface tun11 http://ipecho.net/plain;echo
What do you get? I just tested all three methods and get the same result for all three. I'm sorry, but there is something unusual in your environment that I don't know.This doesn't get same output in my environment.
Therefore I tried to use canufrank script.
logger -st "($(basename $0))" $$ $@
Say "Requesting 'ip_vpn.sh' script for" $dev
/jffs/scripts/ip_vpn.sh $dev &
logger -st "($(basename $0))" $$ $@
Say "Send e-mail: VPN Client" $1 "WAN IP address is" $2
local i=0
local OK=0
local VPNTAG=`grep -i "11"$1 /etc/iproute2/rt_tables | awk '{print $2}'`
if [ "$2" = "2" ]; then
local WSTATE="connect"
if [ "$2" = "0" ]; then
local WSTATE="disconnect"
Say "Waiting for VPN Client" $1 "("$VPNTAG") to" $WSTATE"....."
while [ $i -lt 60 ]; do
sleep 1
#Say "**DEBUG: Waiting for VPN Client" $1 "to" $WSTATE"....." $i
if [ "$(nvram get "vpn_client"$1"_state")" = "$2" ];then
i=$(($i + 1))
if [ "$OK" = "1" ];then
Say "VPN Client" $1 "("$VPNTAG")" $WSTATE"'d in" $i "secs"
echo $2 # Return whatever NVRAM state was requested to be matched e.g. '2' ('connected') or '0' ('disconnected')
return 0
Say "***ERROR*** VPN Client" $1 "("$VPNTAG") FAILED to" $WSTATE "after" $i "secs"
echo -e "\a?" # Return '?' ('unknown') neither 'connected' nor 'disconnected'
return 1
Say "Identifying VPN Client" $VPN_ID "WAN address and e-mail......."
if [ $(Check_VPNState $VPN_ID $CONNECTED) = $CONNECTED ]; then
VPN_WANIP=`curl -s --interface "tun1"$VPN_ID "http://ipecho.net/plain"`
Say "***ERROR VPN not connected?"
Do these fragments of my scripts help?
Code:#!#bin/sh Say(){ logger -st "($(basename $0))" $$ $@ } Say "Requesting 'ip_vpn.sh' script for" $dev /jffs/scripts/ip_vpn.sh $dev &
Code:#!/bin/sh Say(){ logger -st "($(basename $0))" $$ $@ } Send_Mail(){ Say "Send e-mail: VPN Client" $1 "WAN IP address is" $2 } Check_VPNState(){ local i=0 local OK=0 local VPNTAG=`grep -i "11"$1 /etc/iproute2/rt_tables | awk '{print $2}'` if [ "$2" = "2" ]; then local WSTATE="connect" fi if [ "$2" = "0" ]; then local WSTATE="disconnect" fi Say "Waiting for VPN Client" $1 "("$VPNTAG") to" $WSTATE"....." while [ $i -lt 60 ]; do sleep 1 #Say "Waiting for VPN Client" $1 "to" $WSTATE"....." $i if [ "$(nvram get "vpn_client"$1"_state")" = "$2" ];then OK="1" break fi i=$(($i + 1)) done if [ "$OK" = "1" ];then Say "VPN Client" $1 "("$VPNTAG")" $WSTATE"'d in" $i "secs" if [ "$WSTATE" == "connect" ]; then # Update /jffs/configs/dnsmasq.conf.add with new HMA DNS for any VPNxDomains if [ -f /jffs/scripts/VPN_DNS_Update.sh ] && [ -f /jffs/configs/dnsmasq.conf.add ];then sh /jffs/scripts/VPN_DNS_Update.sh $1 else Say "**Warning Skipping '/jffs/configs/dnsmasq.conf.add' DNS updates for VPN Client" $1 "("$VPNTAG")" fi fi echo "2" else echo -e " " Say "***ERROR*** VPN Client" $1 "("$VPNTAG") FAILED to" $WSTATE "after" $i "secs" echo -e "\a?" fi } DEV=$1 VPN_ID=${DEV:4:1} CONNECTED=2 DISCONNECTED=0 Say "Identifying VPN Client" $VPN_ID "WAN address and e-mail......." if [ $(Check_VPNState $VPN_ID $CONNECTED) = $CONNECTED ]; then VPN_WANIP=`curl -s --interface "tun1"$VPN_ID "http://ipecho.net/plain"` Send_Mail $VPN_ID $VPN_WANIP else Say "***ERROR VPN not connected?" fi
Jan 16 20:28:05 openvpn[7241]: PUSH: Received control message: 'PUSH_REPLY,dhcp-option DNS,ping 9,ping-restart 30,route-gateway,topology subnet,redirect-gateway def1,ifconfig-ipv6 2001:db8:123::2/64 2001:db8:123::1,route-ipv6 2000::/3 2001:db8:123::1,explicit-exit-notify 2,ifconfig'
Jan 16 20:28:05 openvpn[7241]: OPTIONS IMPORT: timers and/or timeouts modified
Jan 16 20:28:05 openvpn[7241]: OPTIONS IMPORT: --explicit-exit-notify can only be used with --proto udp
Jan 16 20:28:05 openvpn[7241]: OPTIONS IMPORT: --ifconfig/up options modified
Jan 16 20:28:05 openvpn[7241]: OPTIONS IMPORT: route options modified
Jan 16 20:28:05 openvpn[7241]: OPTIONS IMPORT: route-related options modified
Jan 16 20:28:05 openvpn[7241]: OPTIONS IMPORT: --ip-win32 and/or --dhcp-option options modified
Jan 16 20:28:05 openvpn[7241]: TUN/TAP device tun11 opened
Jan 16 20:28:05 openvpn[7241]: TUN/TAP TX queue length set to 100
Jan 16 20:28:05 openvpn[7241]: do_ifconfig, tt->ipv6=0, tt->did_ifconfig_ipv6_setup=1
Jan 16 20:28:08 openvpn[7241]: /usr/sbin/ip route add via xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
Jan 16 20:28:08 openvpn[7241]: /usr/sbin/ip route add via
Jan 16 20:28:08 openvpn[7241]: /usr/sbin/ip route add via
Jan 16 20:28:08 openvpn[7241]: add_route_ipv6(): not adding 2000::/3, no IPv6 on if tun11
Jan 16 20:28:08 openvpn-routing: Configuring policy rules for client 1
Jan 16 20:28:08 openvpn-routing: Creating VPN routing table
Jan 16 20:28:08 openvpn-routing: Removing route for to tun11 from VPN table
Jan 16 20:28:08 openvpn-routing: Removing route for to tun11 from VPN table
Jan 16 20:28:08 openvpn-routing: Removing route for to tun11 from table main
Jan 16 20:28:08 openvpn-routing: Removing route for to tun11 from table main
Jan 16 20:28:08 openvpn-routing: Completed routing policy configuration for client 1
Jan 16 20:28:08 custom script: Running /jffs/scripts/openvpn-event (args: tun11 1500 1559 )
Jan 16 20:28:08 (openvpn-event): 7308 Trigger for tun11 event=route-up [tun11 1500 1559]
Jan 16 20:28:08 (VPNClient1_route-up.sh): 7315 Requesting 'ip_vpn.sh' script for tun11
Jan 16 20:28:08 (openvpn-event): 7308 Complete.
Jan 16 20:28:08 openvpn[7241]: Initialization Sequence Completed
Jan 16 20:28:08 (ip_vpn.sh): 7318 Identifying VPN Client 1 WAN address and e-mail.......
Jan 16 20:28:08 (ip_vpn.sh): 7318 Waiting for VPN Client 1 (ovpnc1) to connect.....
Jan 16 20:28:09 (ip_vpn.sh): 7318 VPN Client 1 (ovpnc1) connect'd in 0 secs
Jan 16 20:28:09 (ip_vpn.sh): 7318 **Warning Skipping '/jffs/configs/dnsmasq.conf.add' DNS updates for VPN Client 1 (ovpnc1)
Jan 16 20:28:09 (ip_vpn.sh): 7318 Send e-mail: VPN Client 1 WAN IP address is
Thanks. Shall turn on debug and see what's going on. Running the arp command in the shell shows multiple "bogon" lines with MAC and no IP addresses strangely. And this is for my devices like 2 IP cameras and a Windows 10 client. Not sure what might be causing this.I didn't change anything in networkmap between those levels. The only time I've seen this happen is when there's a misbehaving client creating an 'arp storm' that drives networkmap crazy (I have a SD HDHomeRun that likes to do this about every 6 months for some reason...a reboot of the HDHR fixes it).
To try and narrow it down, login to the router and enter
nvram set nmp_debug=1
then in the syslog, you'll see the arp entries and ip addresses being processed by networkmap.
nvram unset nmp_debug
nvram commit
@john9527What do you get? I just tested all three methods and get the same result for all three. I'm sorry, but there is something unusual in your environment that I don't know.
EDIT: Are you using policy based routing?
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