Occasional Visitor
Next release is out! (With a couple of new features since the last Beta)
Hi John,
i am a long time user of your firmware and would like to give you some feedback. First of all thank you for all your hard work, i am very satisfied with all your firmware versions.
I just installed Update-24E2 and activated DFS for my RT-N66U, i am using the RT-N66U as Hotspot only. Now i am not sure if it works. My Oneplus 3 says that i am connected to my AP via 5GHz with CH44(46) and 5220MHz. According to wikipedia it already uses DFS but i am not sure!? See
(Germany requires DFS and TPC capabilities on 5.250–5.350 GHz and 5.470–5.725 GHz as well; in addition the frequency range 5.150–5.350 GHz is only allowed for indoor use, leaving only 5.470–5.725 GHz for outdoor and indoor use.[23])
Channel: 44l
Capability: ESS
HT Capable
Extension channel: 46
Chanspec: 5GHz Channel Width 40MHz (0xd82e)