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GT-AX6000 vs RT-AX88U_PRO Length of support

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There has been a lot of discussion about the differences between GT-AX6000 and RT-AX88U_PRO. It is clear that they are very similar in hardware. However I have not seen any good estimates about the possible difference in software support length between the two and for me it is the most important aspect in deciding between them. Any customized UI/options/RGB of the ROG model makes me wonder.. If for example Asus suddenly drops support of one of them is that it? I'm especially intrested how this seems from the perspective of Merlin software as it has been, and will be, what I'm exclusively using. All views are welcome but a word from Merlin himself would be extremely appreciated as well.
There has been a lot of discussion about the differences between GT-AX6000 and RT-AX88U_PRO. It is clear that they are very similar in hardware. However I have not seen any good estimates about the possible difference in software support length between the two and for me it is the most important aspect in deciding between them. Any customized UI/options/RGB of the ROG model makes me wonder.. If for example Asus suddenly drops support of one of them is that it? I'm especially intrested how this seems from the perspective of Merlin software as it has been, and will be, what I'm exclusively using. All views are welcome but a word from Merlin himself would be extremely appreciated as well.
what typically happens, is asus will drop support for a generation, i.e., wifi 4, wifi 5. as an example, i believe the 802.11ac gen is approaching eol. that said, and this may be controversial, should a device no longer receive any updates, i'm not sure it's the end of the world, k.

i would guess that fewer than 20% of those with consumer routers ever upgrade and life goes on. i have colleagues from the industry who could care less and not one has ever had any kind of hit or disruption. those doing the dastardly can likely get to you no matter what hw. so, i wouldn't lose any sleep.

recall the proverbial bear in the woods story, if there are 2 or more being chased, you don't have to outrun the bear, just the other guy. the avg snb person, will likely be more difficult to breach than johnny user.
No, they're telling you the minimum period before support may be dropped. As stated in the FAQ you linked to: "And extended support may be provided after the stated date".
"ASUS will offer security update support to the networking products ... until the date specified below."

No, they're literally telling you when support is ending--period. Extended support beyond that date is completely fictional right now and not legally enforceable. It's a disservice to fill people's heads with false hopes.

If Asus chooses to offer extended support:
1. They legally have to list it
2. Not all models may make the cut
No, they're literally telling you when support is ending--period.
If you want to get litteral, they also state that this list only applies to the UK. So by that logic, that means devices may be supported for longer anywhere else.

There are many exising precedent for Asus providing updates even after a device was officially listed as EOL. So, interpreting this list as a "at least until" date isn't a stretch. The only sure fact beyond that is that nobody knows for how long devices will be supported, only that it will be at least until these dates.
"ASUS will offer security update support to the networking products ... until the date specified below."

No, they're literally telling you when support is ending--period. Extended support beyond that date is completely fictional right now and not legally enforceable. It's a disservice to fill people's heads with false hopes.
For context, the full paragraph from that UK only Asus product duration page.
ASUS will offer security update support to the networking products complied with UK PSTI(Product Security and Telecommunications Infrastructure Act) until the date specified below. And extended support may be provided after the stated date.
Seems clear that for UK Asus routers they will comply with UK PSTI until the date the web page indicated. However, they further state that Asus may provide extended UK support AFTER the stated UK SPTI required date(s).
For context, the full paragraph from that UK only Asus product duration page.

Seems clear that for UK Asus routers they will comply with UK PSTI until the date the web page indicated. However, they further state that Asus may provide extended UK support AFTER the stated UK SPTI required date(s).
Indeed. I really don't know why @tiddlywink can't comprehend simple English language. Nobody is saying Asus will provide support after the initial four years, only that they may. Think about the venerable RT-AC68U, back when that was released there was no guaranteed minimum support period at all and yet it has been supported for over 10 years.
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This is just a legal document confirming the compliance with local UK requirements, nothing else. If the UK requirements were 2 years the document would state 2 years after release. I read it as "minimum of 4 years" globally (to cover UK, Singapore and perhaps other countries) and in case Asus provides longer support - everyone is covered bacause the firmware is not region specific. I also tried to explain this to @tiddlywink few times, but without success. 🤷‍♂️

If Asus doesn't want to support specific model anymore - they still can do it and be legal. Some models like ZenWiFi DX4 are not officially on End-of-Life list, but also don't have new firmware release for >2 years. They are technically supported, but just no one is working on firmware updates.
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If you want to get litteral, they also state that this list only applies to the UK. So by that logic, that means devices may be supported for longer anywhere else.

There are many exising precedent for Asus providing updates even after a device was officially listed as EOL. So, interpreting this list as a "at least until" date isn't a stretch. The only sure fact beyond that is that nobody knows for how long devices will be supported, only that it will be at least until these dates.

Asus has to comply with a similar law for Singapore and they are dropping support even faster.

That is all I have said. Support until that date. Adding on "Well actually asus may support it beyond that" is complete fiction that you correctly point out nobody knows. The only thing that is known is the legally enforceable dates provided by Asus which is the only thing consumers should use to base their purchasing decisions on.
Indeed. I really don't know why @tiddlywink can't comprehend simple English language. Nobody is saying Asus will provide support after the initial four years, only that they may. Think about the venerable RT-AC68U, back when that was released there was no guaranteed minimum support period at all and yet it has been supported for over 10 years.
Asus may also support all their routers for 30 years. When people want to know facts about support, tell them facts.
software support length between the two and for me it is the most important aspect in deciding between them

OP wants facts about support to make a decision. The facts are they have the same support. "The AX88U PRO may turn into the next AC68u and get 10 years of support" isn't a fact.
The fact - no one knows how long the support period is going to be, most likely including RMerlin.

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