Edit: Saw a reply in your other thread from the man himself saying it's a lot easier than I thought
, I'll leave this post here though.
Assuming you have installed various scripts in the past, but just can't remember which ones, you're probably going to have to do a bit of detective work to figure out what they are.
You probably can't just plug the USB drive in and expect them to work, though, they'll need to be re-installed.
To start off with, if you have a USB drive you probably have Entware installed onto it. Open up ssh command prompt and type
This will show you all entware packages installed and give you a starting point. However there won't be a direct match between the entware package names and the names of scripts from this forum - the entware packages are just the components some scripts use to do their thing.
You can also look through the content of any files in /jffs/scripts to see what's there, most of the scripts here will either add their own script to this directory, or modify standard scripts and add a comment at the end of any lines they add such as "# Added by Diversion".
Also you could have a look through your syslog after a reboot, many scripts start on boot and will write to the log as they do so.
Also look in /jffs/configs to see if there are any files in there, see the wiki for an overview of what those are for:
amtm is a manager for some of the more popular scripts and makes it pretty easy to install them. Just search the forum for threads with "amtm" in the title. Other scripts will likely have their own installation instructions in their respective threads.
@Zonkd has a good guide to formating USBs here:
Once you've worked out which scripts and extra bits you have installed, then unless you customised the scripts after installing them, or have personal data stored on the USB drive, it's probably better to just start from scratch. It's really easy to just reformat the USB drive, install amtm and then use that to install several other scripts. (Or if you have a spare USB drive, use that and keep the old one to refer back to, or in case you need to roll back.)
I'm still relatively new to this firmware myself so hopefully others will point out any ways to check what you have installed that I may have missed.
(Also - without meaning to come over as condescending - make sure you document what you install in case you ever have to go through this again.

One last thing - in the other thread you mention the "jffs usb" but as I understand things /jffs is usually mounted on internal storage not on a USB drive. You can run
to check where yours is.