I took advantage of the recent GT-AX6000 sale and bought one to replace my old router. Received yesterday and set it up immediately. However, the configuration page seems to be a little confusing to me. I can not see 2.4Ghz band on the Wireless - General page. See pics. There are only a "5Ghz-1" and "5Ghz-2" options in the drop-down. And the LED indicator on my router for 2.4GHz is off/grey. And even though I have two ssid enabled (one "xxx" for 5Ghz-1 and one "xxx_5G" for 5Ghz-2), when I search the wifi ssid, I can only see and connect to "xxx". My smart connect is off. I am not sure if this is normal, or there is some hardware issue with this unit. Tried many hours today to enable the 2.4Ghz, but no success. Can someone with more knowledge of the Asus router please give me some help? If you also have a GT-AX6000, what does your setup page look like? Do you have a 2.4Ghz band option? Thank you very much.