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Help with phantom wifi/inSSIDer

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62:45:B0:41:2C:F6, -55dbm on channel 40
62:45:B0:3F:08:BB, -89dbm on channel 157

Just as a follow up--these guys are STILL there.

The only difference is that they move around all the time to different channels.

I'm wondering if I shouldn't put my 5G channel back to automatic channel selection--not sure how this works--will it dynamically change channels to avoid interference, or does it only happen on startup?

Still have not figured out the source.

I live on 4 acres of land . . I occasionally pick up the neighbors' wifi but it is really weak and doesn't interfere.
That you're seeing something on channel 40, and a decent level, -55dBM, makes me think it's something close by, as transmit power is restricted to 50mW... probably within 100 feet or so would be my guess - and most likely inside your house, as UNII-1 band is for indoor use only (global).

Likely candidates - utility meters perhaps (gas/electric) or other infrastructure such as SCADA links for remote monitoring and control. Could maybe be a wireless alarm system or camera.

Made any recent purchases lately?

No I think I'd know if I had a purchased device that was broadcasting (like the Roku). Not sure what other type of purchase would broadcast like this.

I like your utility meter (I have gas and electric) theory. I may peek outside when it isn't raining to see if my meters have been upgraded or whatever.
Do you have xbox one?

Yes. Two of them.

Could those be the culprit?

Now that you mention it, and looking at the date of my first post, I did have both XB1s before posting originally.

I'll cut power completely to both of them to see if it goes away.
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I unplugged the XB1 with the strongest signal (closest to me) and the signal went away.

I plugged it back in and it came back.


At least the Roku identifies itself.

I unplugged the XB1 with the strongest signal (closest to me) and the signal went away.

I plugged it back in and it came back.


At least the Roku identifies itself.

Yeah I just noticed this recently (2 weeks ago)? My guess is MS is using 5GHz as the connection for the XB1 remotes. It would be DAMNED nice if there was some way to configure this as it is is obviously doing some kind of auto channel and it would be nice to configure it to a fixed channel to avoid any 5GHz network I am actually setting up.
Yeah I just noticed this recently (2 weeks ago)? My guess is MS is using 5GHz as the connection for the XB1 remotes. It would be DAMNED nice if there was some way to configure this as it is is obviously doing some kind of auto channel and it would be nice to configure it to a fixed channel to avoid any 5GHz network I am actually setting up.

It's similar to Roku in that way--except better and worse.

Better: At least it doesn't follow your 5G channel around in lockstep the way Roku does. I keep the Roku powered down when not using it because it is ALWAYS on the same channel as my 5G band. The XB1 seems to use different channels over time--I just set my 5G to auto channel, and I think it's staying out of the way.

Worse: At least Roku identifies itself. I had no idea that these were from the xbox.
Mystery Mac address... Its an XBOX One controller

Do you have an XBOX One...
This is the MAC address for the controllers... From what I gather, its akin to using a NAT but for MAC addresses...

62:45:B0 is my XBox One controllers prefix..
Mine was the xbox wireless controller adapter for pc. mac adresss - 62:45:B4:F7:36:C6 and was broadcasting conflicting 5ghz signals

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