Part of the Furniture
Hi @Martineau, I hope all is good.
All three routers are now displaying the following message when I run HackerPorts.sh:
***Warning IPSET Blocking is in Tracking ONLY mode!
This is a new message. Following is a snip from verbose output leading up to the message:
output from iptables -nvL INPUT
I did a ./IPSET_Block.sh init reset and the warning message went away.
Perhaps the script needed to be recycled/rebooted? I will repeat the steps on the others unless you have other things you would like me to try.
Regards, Xen
All three routers are now displaying the following message when I run HackerPorts.sh:
***Warning IPSET Blocking is in Tracking ONLY mode!
This is a new message. Following is a snip from verbose output leading up to the message:
rrexit off
noglob off
ignoreeof off
interactive off
monitor off
noexec off
stdin off
xtrace on
verbose off
noclobber off
allexport off
notify off
nounset off
vi off
pipefail off
+ VER=v2.06
+ ANSIColours
+ cRESET=\e[0m
+ cBLA=\e[30m
+ cRED=\e[31m
+ cGRE=\e[32m
+ cYEL=\e[33m
+ cBLU=\e[34m
+ cMAG=\e[35m
+ cCYA=\e[36m
+ cGRA=\e[37m
+ cNO=\e[39m
+ cBGRA=\e[90m
+ cBRED=\e[91m
+ cBGRE=\e[92m
+ cBYEL=\e[93m
+ cBBLU=\e[94m
+ cBMAG=\e[95m
+ cBCYA=\e[96m
+ cBWHT=\e[97m
+ cRED_=\e[41m
+ cGRE_=\e[42m
+ aBOLD=\e[1m
+ aDIM=\e[2m
+ aUNDER=\e[4m
+ aBLINK=\e[5m
+ aREVERSE=\e[7m
+ Get_WAN_IF_Name
+ local IF_NAME=
+ nvram get wan0_gw_ifname
+ [ ppp0 != ]
+ nvram get wan0_gw_ifname
+ local IF_NAME=ppp0
+ nvram get pppoe_ifname
+ [ ! -z ]
+ echo ppp0
+ WAN_IF=ppp0
+ echo -e \e[97m
+ [ all == help ]
+ [ all == -h ]
+ nvram get computer_name
+ [ -d /tmp/mnt/RT-AC88U-XYZ ]
+ MOUNT=/tmp/mnt/RT-AC88U-XYZ
+ SYSLOG=/tmp/syslog.log
+ echo all
+ grep -o in=
+ wc -w
+ [ 0 -eq 1 ]
+ echo all
+ sed -n /[[:space:]]syslog[[:space:]]/p
+ [ -z ]
+ Tracking_Enabled
+ local STATUS=0
+ local FN=
+ grep -iE /jffs/scripts/IPSET_Block\.sh /jffs/scripts/firewall-start
+ grep -vE ^\#
+ [ ! -z ]
+ grep -iE /jffs/scripts/IPSET_Block\.sh /jffs/scripts/services-start
+ grep -vE ^\#
+ [ ! -z sh /jffs/scripts/IPSET_Block.sh init nolog
cru a IPSET_SAVE "0 * * * * /jffs/scripts/IPSET_Block.sh save" #Every hour
cru a IPSET_BACKUP "0 5 * * * /jffs/scripts/IPSET_Block.sh backup" #05:00 every day ]
+ grep -iE /jffs/scripts/IPSET_Block\.sh.*nolog /jffs/scripts/services-start
+ [ -z sh /jffs/scripts/IPSET_Block.sh init nolog ]
+ FN=/jffs/scripts/services-start
+ ipset list BlacklistTRK
+ [ 0 -eq 0 ]
+ echo 2,/jffs/scripts/services-start
+ Parse 2,/jffs/scripts/services-start , TRACKING FN
+ local string IFS
+ TEXT=2,/jffs/scripts/services-start
+ IFS=,
+ shift 2
+ read -r -- TRACKING FN
+ [ 2 == 0 ]
+ [ ! -f /tmp/syslog.log ]
+ [ ! -z all ]
+ [ all != verbose ]
+ echo all
+ grep -o status
+ [ -z ]
+ echo all
+ grep -oE syslog|noipset
+ [ -z ]
+ echo all
+ grep -o num=
+ [ -z ]
+ echo all
+ grep -o all
+ [ -z all ]
+ LOGFILE=/tmp/mnt/RT-AC88U-XYZ/HackerReport.txt
+ Delete_TempFiles
+ rm /tmp/mnt/RT-AC88U-XYZ/HackerReport.txt.tmp
+ rm /tmp/mnt/RT-AC88U-XYZ/HackerReport.txt.new
+ return 0
+ ipset -v
+ grep -o v[4,6]
+ MATCH_SET=--match-set
+ LIST=list
+ CREATE=create
+ SAVE=save
+ RESTORE=restore
+ FLUSH=flush
+ DESTROY=destroy
+ ADD=add
+ SWAP=swap
+ IPHASH=hash:ip
+ NETHASH=hash:net
+ SETNOTFOUND=name does not exist
+ TIMEOUT=timeout
+ lsmod
+ grep -q xt_set
+ basename ./HackerPorts.sh
+ logger -t (HackerPorts.sh) 16532 v2.06 © 2016-2017 Martineau,Hacker Port attacks Report.....
+ echo -e v2.06 \e[4m© 2016-2017 Martineau\e[0m, Hacker Port attacks Report.....
v2.06 © 2016-2017 Martineau, Hacker Port attacks Report.....
+ ipset list Blacklist
+ wc -l
+ [ 765 -eq 0 ]
+ echo all
+ grep -o verbose
+ wc -w
+ [ 0 -eq 1 ]
+ TOPX=10
+ echo all
+ grep -o num=
+ wc -w
+ [ 0 -eq 1 ]
+ which uniq
+ [ -z /usr/bin/uniq ]
+ nvram get wan0_ifname
+ IFNAME=eth0
+ IIFXT='eth0'
+ DIG=0
+ echo all
+ grep -o dig
+ wc -w
+ [ 0 -eq 1 ]
+ cru l
+ grep IPSET_resume
+ [ ! -z ]
+ iptables -nvL INPUT
+ grep -E DROP.*Blacklist
+ [ -z ]
+ echo -e \e[41m\e[5m\a\n\n\t***Warning IPSET Blocking is in Tracking ONLY mode!\n\e[0m
noglob off
ignoreeof off
interactive off
monitor off
noexec off
stdin off
xtrace on
verbose off
noclobber off
allexport off
notify off
nounset off
vi off
pipefail off
+ VER=v2.06
+ ANSIColours
+ cRESET=\e[0m
+ cBLA=\e[30m
+ cRED=\e[31m
+ cGRE=\e[32m
+ cYEL=\e[33m
+ cBLU=\e[34m
+ cMAG=\e[35m
+ cCYA=\e[36m
+ cGRA=\e[37m
+ cNO=\e[39m
+ cBGRA=\e[90m
+ cBRED=\e[91m
+ cBGRE=\e[92m
+ cBYEL=\e[93m
+ cBBLU=\e[94m
+ cBMAG=\e[95m
+ cBCYA=\e[96m
+ cBWHT=\e[97m
+ cRED_=\e[41m
+ cGRE_=\e[42m
+ aBOLD=\e[1m
+ aDIM=\e[2m
+ aUNDER=\e[4m
+ aBLINK=\e[5m
+ aREVERSE=\e[7m
+ Get_WAN_IF_Name
+ local IF_NAME=
+ nvram get wan0_gw_ifname
+ [ ppp0 != ]
+ nvram get wan0_gw_ifname
+ local IF_NAME=ppp0
+ nvram get pppoe_ifname
+ [ ! -z ]
+ echo ppp0
+ WAN_IF=ppp0
+ echo -e \e[97m
+ [ all == help ]
+ [ all == -h ]
+ nvram get computer_name
+ [ -d /tmp/mnt/RT-AC88U-XYZ ]
+ MOUNT=/tmp/mnt/RT-AC88U-XYZ
+ SYSLOG=/tmp/syslog.log
+ echo all
+ grep -o in=
+ wc -w
+ [ 0 -eq 1 ]
+ echo all
+ sed -n /[[:space:]]syslog[[:space:]]/p
+ [ -z ]
+ Tracking_Enabled
+ local STATUS=0
+ local FN=
+ grep -iE /jffs/scripts/IPSET_Block\.sh /jffs/scripts/firewall-start
+ grep -vE ^\#
+ [ ! -z ]
+ grep -iE /jffs/scripts/IPSET_Block\.sh /jffs/scripts/services-start
+ grep -vE ^\#
+ [ ! -z sh /jffs/scripts/IPSET_Block.sh init nolog
cru a IPSET_SAVE "0 * * * * /jffs/scripts/IPSET_Block.sh save" #Every hour
cru a IPSET_BACKUP "0 5 * * * /jffs/scripts/IPSET_Block.sh backup" #05:00 every day ]
+ grep -iE /jffs/scripts/IPSET_Block\.sh.*nolog /jffs/scripts/services-start
+ [ -z sh /jffs/scripts/IPSET_Block.sh init nolog ]
+ FN=/jffs/scripts/services-start
+ ipset list BlacklistTRK
+ [ 0 -eq 0 ]
+ echo 2,/jffs/scripts/services-start
+ Parse 2,/jffs/scripts/services-start , TRACKING FN
+ local string IFS
+ TEXT=2,/jffs/scripts/services-start
+ IFS=,
+ shift 2
+ read -r -- TRACKING FN
+ [ 2 == 0 ]
+ [ ! -f /tmp/syslog.log ]
+ [ ! -z all ]
+ [ all != verbose ]
+ echo all
+ grep -o status
+ [ -z ]
+ echo all
+ grep -oE syslog|noipset
+ [ -z ]
+ echo all
+ grep -o num=
+ [ -z ]
+ echo all
+ grep -o all
+ [ -z all ]
+ LOGFILE=/tmp/mnt/RT-AC88U-XYZ/HackerReport.txt
+ Delete_TempFiles
+ rm /tmp/mnt/RT-AC88U-XYZ/HackerReport.txt.tmp
+ rm /tmp/mnt/RT-AC88U-XYZ/HackerReport.txt.new
+ return 0
+ ipset -v
+ grep -o v[4,6]
+ MATCH_SET=--match-set
+ LIST=list
+ CREATE=create
+ SAVE=save
+ RESTORE=restore
+ FLUSH=flush
+ DESTROY=destroy
+ ADD=add
+ SWAP=swap
+ IPHASH=hash:ip
+ NETHASH=hash:net
+ SETNOTFOUND=name does not exist
+ TIMEOUT=timeout
+ lsmod
+ grep -q xt_set
+ basename ./HackerPorts.sh
+ logger -t (HackerPorts.sh) 16532 v2.06 © 2016-2017 Martineau,Hacker Port attacks Report.....
+ echo -e v2.06 \e[4m© 2016-2017 Martineau\e[0m, Hacker Port attacks Report.....
v2.06 © 2016-2017 Martineau, Hacker Port attacks Report.....
+ ipset list Blacklist
+ wc -l
+ [ 765 -eq 0 ]
+ echo all
+ grep -o verbose
+ wc -w
+ [ 0 -eq 1 ]
+ TOPX=10
+ echo all
+ grep -o num=
+ wc -w
+ [ 0 -eq 1 ]
+ which uniq
+ [ -z /usr/bin/uniq ]
+ nvram get wan0_ifname
+ IFNAME=eth0
+ IIFXT='eth0'
+ DIG=0
+ echo all
+ grep -o dig
+ wc -w
+ [ 0 -eq 1 ]
+ cru l
+ grep IPSET_resume
+ [ ! -z ]
+ iptables -nvL INPUT
+ grep -E DROP.*Blacklist
+ [ -z ]
+ echo -e \e[41m\e[5m\a\n\n\t***Warning IPSET Blocking is in Tracking ONLY mode!\n\e[0m
output from iptables -nvL INPUT
Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT 0 packets, 0 bytes)
pkts bytes target prot opt in out source destination
1227 54137 DROP all -- * * match-set BlockedCountries src
1 76 DROP all -- * * match-set TorNodes src
16 1785 ACCEPT all -- tun11 *
10 354 logdrop icmp -- ppp0 * icmptype 8
444 31354 SECURITY_PROTECT tcp -- * * multiport dports 22
132 5480 SECURITY_PROTECT tcp -- * * multiport dports 23
1389K 1468M ACCEPT all -- * * state RELATED,ESTABLISHED
15500 901K logdrop all -- * * state INVALID
31908 3569K ACCEPT all -- br0 * state NEW
389K 88M ACCEPT all -- lo * state NEW
0 0 ACCEPT udp -- * * udp spt:67 dpt:68
0 0 ACCEPT icmp -- * * icmp !type 8
1043 61463 logdrop all -- * *
I did a ./IPSET_Block.sh init reset and the warning message went away.
Perhaps the script needed to be recycled/rebooted? I will repeat the steps on the others unless you have other things you would like me to try.
Regards, Xen