Does (Int switch port: 3) (Logical Port: 3) is the same as the actual Physical port 3 on the outside of the AX88U router?
Sep 10 22:34:36 kernel: eth0 (Int switch port: 3) (Logical Port: 3) (phyId: c) Link DOWN.
Sep 10 22:34:38 kernel: eth0 (Int switch port: 3) (Logical Port: 3) (phyId: c) Link UP at 1000 mbps full
Sep 10 22:34:36 kernel: eth0 (Int switch port: 3) (Logical Port: 3) (phyId: c) Link DOWN.
Sep 10 22:34:38 kernel: eth0 (Int switch port: 3) (Logical Port: 3) (phyId: c) Link UP at 1000 mbps full