wait..what? entware doesn't need to be installed on a USB key/drive anymore?
No, you still need a USB key/drive. I am using a USB enclosure for a SSD drive on the USB 3.0 port, but I also went ahead and:
1) Change to DISABLE the - Reducing USB 3.0 interference - option in professional wireless settings
2) Turn DOWN the signal from Performance to Good on both 2.4 and 5 wireless signals
since I saw this had an impact on USB drive R/W performance and no problems so far, but I just wanted to put in my last 2 cents on rTorrent. Basically, I am giving up on rTorrent, because it is a mess and half the options do not work properly. I could not get:
1) Move completed files once downloaded - to work correctly and kept leaving meta and hash files behind
2) Hack check kept getting errors and I would have to manually recheck which would throw the router into a fit
a) safe_sync does not work and would crash rtorrent on start, so that suggestion does not work
3) I could not turn off pre-allocation of files which does not help when I want to "scan" and see what files actually completed
4) Files kept going into PAUSING mode when they were completed instead of STOP and stop-close options never seemed to work
and the list goes on...
Basically "garbage"

and I switched to transmission. HUGE difference and everything working "right out of the box" and I love that you can have files with the .part extension, automatically move completed files, turn off pre-allocation and the list goes on. So I am sticking with transmission now...
Good luck to you guys on rTorrent...