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Tutorial Installing Rtorrent on AsusWrt Merlin routers through Entware

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I get the following error message on entware-ng rutorrent : " Hash check on download completion found bad chunks, consider using "safe_sync"." If I enable safe_sync then the same issue. Router is AC87U with 380.57.2_HGG-FINAL firmware.

Any idea?
Hello. I tried the rtorrent-easy-install script on a RT-AC66u running merlin version 374.41. Everything seems to install fine. I accepted all the defaults except the torrent folder location. However, after starting rtorrent there does not appear to be a web gui available at http://<ipaddress of router>:<port>/rutorrent

I added the firewall rules to be sure, but it still isn't working.

Any ideas would be great. If not I can just keep using Transmission since that installed and worked right out of the box.

Is there a remote gui perhaps for rutorrent?

2 all who has this problem: just replace "rc.func" in /opt/etc/init.d with this one: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/monosoul/rc.func/master/rc.func . Problem is caused by entware's rc.func not able to differenciate firmware's lighttpd from entware's lighttpd.
Just realized I probably posted this in the wrong thread earlier tonight so posting here hoping for help ...

Hey TeHashX (or anybody else who has a clue) - do you think you could help me get to the bottom of why rtorrent / rutorrent via Entware NG (MIPS/AC-66U) which I installed using the easy install script is incorrectly identifying itself to several fairly popular private trackers?

Client is calling in as (-DE / libtorrent/ This is either unrecognized or simply not on the client/approved white list for several private trackers.

So I either get an error in rutorrent from the tracker on some trackers or other torrents simply don't seed or ever grab any peers. I'm guessing this is also because of how the client is reporting itself to other peers (with an unknown or not mainstream user peer ID/string).

Admin support on one of my trackers suggests recompiling rtorrent/rutorrent but since it was done via the easy install script, which is tailored and modified specifically for MIPSEL Entware NG (lighttpd, etc) - and I'm incredibly inexperienced with Entware on the whole as well - I'm afraid that just trying to opkg re-install libtorrent/rtorrent/rutorrent myself manually is going to end up as a giant fail (won't know how to chase down misc config conflicts issues with php or lighttpd or rpc, etc etc)

Again, I've got to think the issue lies somewhere with the initial libtorrent and rtorrent configs when they are compiling and configuring via your script.

Can anyone help me get rutorrent / rtorrent compiled and running correctly on my AC66U please so that it's calling in correctly to the private trackers as something mainstream or recognized? (like - simply 'rtorrent/0.9.6' like I believe it should be doing)

For whatever it's worth, it does seem to communicate fine with what.cd - but other big trackers are having issues.
I get the following error message on entware-ng rutorrent : " Hash check on download completion found bad chunks, consider using "safe_sync"." If I enable safe_sync then the same issue. Router is AC87U with 380.57.2_HGG-FINAL firmware.

Any idea?

I have the same problem ont the same router (AC87U) on two last firmwares based on 380 - the last version that works without any problems is 378.56.2. I believe there's some kind of bug in last firmwares but I don't know how to report it?
Hello Please advice. I'm trying to use GeoIP plugin to display country flags. How can I create GeoIP directory and put GeoIP.dat in /usr/share file system (read only)?

Thank You
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Hello everyone. I just want to add my 2 cents that this "rtorrent easy install" does not work.

I have an RT-AC68U router with Merlin's firmware (380.64_1) installed, which was easy to do.
I then went on to install entware, which is even easier, since RMerlin now bundles the scripts, so you just type: entware-setup.sh

I ran this - opkg install rtorrent-easy-install - which ran successfully and I can see the services start, but the web page would never load.
So then I read monosoul's comment about "replacing" the rc.func and did so, but I cannot stop the lighttpd or rtorrent services. Might be a separate issue...

I get:
-sh: /opt/etc/init.d/: Permission denied

I basically tried re-format and re-build three times now and same results for rTorrent, so I might have to give up on this and move onto Deluge or Transmission, because the Easy Install Script should just work and not require additional modifications. We are lazy... ;)

So if anyone else reads this, then stay away from rTorrent on entware until they work out the "bugs"... :p
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Like I suggested here install lighttpd-mod-authn_file and restart server
Install entware
opkg install rtorrent-easy-install
opkg install lighttpd-mod-authn_file
services restart
Install entware
opkg install rtorrent-easy-install
opkg install lighttpd-mod-authn_file
services restart

Doh... It works... :cool:

So just to recap for all the other "lazy modders" out there...

I have an RT-AC68U router with Merlin firmware - 380.64_1 - but it seems the "built in" entware installation script - entware-setup.sh - that RMerlin provides does not work with this "rtorrent easy install" and it seems there is a difference between entware and entware-ng. Might be the same entware, but I followed TeHashX and instead used the latter because it seems there is no ability to do - services restart - with the former entware either so this is a nice bonus.

I am running an SSD drive with enclosure connected to USB 3.0, so will see how it goes now... ;)
Doh... It works... :cool:

So just to recap for all the other "lazy modders" out there...

I have an RT-AC68U router with Merlin firmware - 380.64_1 - but it seems the "built in" entware installation script - entware-setup.sh - that RMerlin provides does not work with this "rtorrent easy install" and it seems there is a difference between entware and entware-ng. Might be the same entware, but I followed TeHashX and instead used the latter because it seems there is no ability to do - services restart - with the former entware either so this is a nice bonus.

I am running an SSD drive with enclosure connected to USB 3.0, so will see how it goes now... ;)

Not quite, rtorrent easy install works fine with routers builtin entware install script. I just modified entware script to install swap file and added services start/stop/restart function, saving old asusware, optware & entware installation :)
All credits go to @ryzhov_al, creator of initial script.

I never did go back and test the original script with your "additions", but I will stick with /entware-ng.arm since the services function is a nice "bonus".

Someone else can test the original script and then it will be definitive, but entware-ng for the win.

Thanks to everyone who is making it possible for us to share homework assignments... :p

I just installed ruTorrent on my AC3200 with 380.65 A4.

ruTorrent started fine but it can't connect to any tracker at all.

Any idea guys?
I have an RT-AC68U router with Merlin's firmware (380.64_1) installed, which was easy to do.
I then went on to install entware, which is even easier, since RMerlin now bundles the scripts, so you just type: entware-setup.sh
wait..what? entware doesn't need to be installed on a USB key/drive anymore?
wait..what? entware doesn't need to be installed on a USB key/drive anymore?

No, you still need a USB key/drive. I am using a USB enclosure for a SSD drive on the USB 3.0 port, but I also went ahead and:
1) Change to DISABLE the - Reducing USB 3.0 interference - option in professional wireless settings
2) Turn DOWN the signal from Performance to Good on both 2.4 and 5 wireless signals

since I saw this had an impact on USB drive R/W performance and no problems so far, but I just wanted to put in my last 2 cents on rTorrent. Basically, I am giving up on rTorrent, because it is a mess and half the options do not work properly. I could not get:
1) Move completed files once downloaded - to work correctly and kept leaving meta and hash files behind
2) Hack check kept getting errors and I would have to manually recheck which would throw the router into a fit
a) safe_sync does not work and would crash rtorrent on start, so that suggestion does not work
3) I could not turn off pre-allocation of files which does not help when I want to "scan" and see what files actually completed
4) Files kept going into PAUSING mode when they were completed instead of STOP and stop-close options never seemed to work
and the list goes on...

Basically "garbage" :p and I switched to transmission. HUGE difference and everything working "right out of the box" and I love that you can have files with the .part extension, automatically move completed files, turn off pre-allocation and the list goes on. So I am sticking with transmission now...

Good luck to you guys on rTorrent...

Hi! a few weeks ago my rtorrent installation not authenticate more. Today I did a new scracht install of Entware and rutorrent. But continus with out authentications. I put the same password that I put ont easy install script but I can not login on rutorrent.
I looking for a answare but I do no find anythind.
The /opt/etc/lighttpd/rutorrent_passwd is the same that I use.
Thanks in advance!
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