New Around Here
My ISP currently changes my IP addresses every week or so. Is there anyway for me to have DDNS for my IPV6 so that it updates by itself (on the router itself without PC) without me having to do it manually? Currently using NO-IP/DuckDNS via DNS-O-Matic, but that solution only updates my public IPV4 and I still have to update my IPV6 manually. It gets annoying when I forget to update my IPV6 address manually and can't access my computer/router/server remotely. I don't have any of the common solution available since they usually utilize features available in ASUSWRT-Merlin which doesn't support my router. Would OpenWRT's Asus RT-AX53U snapshot build be my only option or can I somehow install DDClient on my Asus router through SSH? I'm a complete layman when it comes to command-line usage (or anything more technical then a cd command really) so OpenWRT snapshots not having a GUI puts me off.