I canceled the AC3200 ASus order from NCIX. Went and got the 87U locally. The 3200 is just crazy money for what it is and this being my first Asus I wasn't taking the leap ordering online. Much too early to decide if I am keeping it. But quick observations
1. it does run warm. Mind you we are going through a heat wave right now.
2. The 2.4GHz range is quite good and even covers my dead spot in the house which nothing else ever did.
3. 5GHz range is nowhere near as good, and often I can't even see it to connect to it even when close to it.
4. I am actually shocked people praise the Asus interface so much. It's just a random mess. There are so many design quirks. One area like DHCP reservation design is a total joke. Asus should be ashamed of it. Even my 8 yr old Dlink has computer names, and proper drop down list to add whatever MAC shows up on the router as a reservation. All nicely organized. Then those same names carry over throughout the entire interface so when you setup say MAC filter, your using friendly names, no MAC's. As far as I'm concerned, the Asus DHCP reservation page doesn't even work. Even with ALL my devices on,most do not show up, and if they do, some of them are names, some are MAC's, some are simply *....wtf? then that same problem carries over to everything else, QOS page, network map etc. This is very very basic interface stuff, and from I'm reading online, it's been an Asus problem for years. Shame on you Asus for such sloppy programming. When I have to put in reservations by printing out the reservation list from my 8 yr old router and manually put them into my new near $300 router....ASus, you have failed.
Is Merlins firmware any better?
AS for performance wise, still tweaking stuff. So no final verdict yet. I do like the QOS stuff....if it showed proper names. Probably only use it for troubleshooting though. Being someone that has managed BW devices for years, packetshapers, Procera's etc it is kinda cool to be able to see what devices are accessing what on a consumer device.