Occasional Visitor
Yes I saw that referenced by Lom in a dramatic sort of way over at dd-wrt forum...
I don't see how it's unequivocal evidence that they're not working with OpenWRT, or doing any sort of F/OSS.
This sorta thing is sooo common in collaboration between Co's & F/OSS communities that it's not even funny any more.
It could devolve into a longer-term systemic issue on Belkin's part, or, it could be a "storm in a teacup" (which is so often the case), we just don't know yet.
Agree, it should be extremely interesting to see how this plays out (I guess I'm too jaded after 10+ years of dev'ing to be optimistic about the whole thing

@thiggins - Did you see an option anywhere in the firmware to enable 'master browser / wins server' like you can with tomato firmware?