Part of the Furniture
Yeah I'm not looking to use both. After all I read about issues with Time Machine on non Apple routers I think I'm going to shy away from it. You said there were issues with netatalk and AFP. Is there any issues with the Tuxera drivers and GUID/HFS? Can I use those formats without worries or do I need to just stick with Ext2/3?
TimeMachine over AFP uses a command that isn't present in older versions of netatalk - has to do with fd sync, the sparsebundle bands, and hard links (everything in timemachine is hard linked) and some apple secret sauce that isn't documented. Another issue is that one of the missing items is the volume size, and on non-apple network backups, the data is written before the client knows that the volume is full - and ker-blammo, the bundle blows up.
that's why things do tend to get weird after a while - when TM starts trimming and gathering up older backups.
this is your data backup we're talking about - keep it simple