I know this is an old thread I created a long time ago, but I wanted to add something in case someone else ran into this issue with forcing SafeSearch in Duckduckgo.
Since safe.duckduckgo.com IP keeps changing and adding a CNAME hasn't worked for me, I found an easier solution for those who like simplicity.
Just go to the WAN DNS and select CleanBrowsing as the DNS server. It blocks porn and forces SafeSearch on Google, Bing and Duckduckgo.
Make sure to use this DNS as there are 3 DNS options for CleanBrowsing. One of them makes Youtube strict as well, which blocks comments, which I don't like.
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CleanBrowsing takes care of the IP for safe.duckduckgo.com if it ever changes, so you won't have to worry about it.
Also, according to their privacy guidelines, the keep no logs of your queries