I currently have a Linksys AC1900WRT that broke yesterday due to accidental water spill. It worked ok but would get spotty wifi at times. I have some wemo devices, nest, a few smart tv's and one TV that works as our HTPC that is wireless unfortunately. I have a NAS so I dont care much for the onboard NAS options of the routers. Pretty heavy gaming will be done as well. Before purchasing the Linksys I had a nighthawk and maybe I had early firmware but it seemed really buggy. Anyway what would you recommend is a good router for now and something that would last about 3-5 years? For the price I was thinking maybe the Nighthawk I was also looking at the Asus AC5300 even though the sticker shock is kind of high. Or I know the Asus RT-AC68U was a good router at the time. Thoughts?