Senior Member
Well there was a issue with the LAN ports being mis-labled. Not sure if the UI was effected as well. Possible that NG missed this as well.
Something you should bring up with NG or NetgearGuy and see if things could be fixed. Been a while now so who knows if it would fully get resolved or not.
Netduma already know about the port mapping issue and ive let Netgear Guy know too. This issue appeared in its just that nobody seems to be patching milestone 1.3 at all and like the R7800 its not been updated in a very long time (December 17th 2018). Shame as it makes the router pretty much useless QoS wise.
It is nothing to do with this printing issue either (wish it was that simple) and my XR500 is a later version without that problem. Netgears port labelling is correct, DumaOS appears wrong in the table view in device manager so it appears that QoS is getting confused with what's plugged in and I assume this may also effect wireless devices so changing things in the petal for instance may actually effect a different device to the one you think it is, as the network mapping is totally messed up in After a reboot its okay for a while then gets cranky as time goes on.
Over on Netduma's forum all you hear is just static and the usual "did it do this on previous firmware or have you tried rebooting" and "we are working on milestone 1.4" but they are not fixing current issues and neither are Netgear. Also IPv6 is treated as a very rare and unusual beast, hence they are not developing for it, as gamers have not requested that feature even though most UK ISP's now use IPv6. So DumaOS does not work with IPv6 properly and support wont be added in the foreseeable future. I would use my beta, well more like Alpha version of the RAX120 but I cant trust it as it gets very hot and the fan does not kick in (it was a very early pre production unit) so I'm stuck with the XR500 for a while.
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