Scratch Juniper as the alternative then - backdoors were found in their code a year or two ago...
What this amounts to is: if you are trying to find issues with any manufacturer, you WILL find some. And oddly enough, the US market seems to be great at pointing out issues with foreign products, yet they turn a blind eye on their own backyard issues. The mass surveillance from the NSA, all the software holes the NSA kept for themselves and actively exploited... Nobody talks about them anymore. But hey, let's block Huawei from providing us with 5G products, even if their technology might be better than ours. Actually, ESPECIALLY because it's better. Gotta protect our market, rather than drive ourselves to improve. So, let's accuse them of MAYBE spying on us, while we ignore that the NSA is already doing it as a matter of fact.
I better stop there, because I could keep going on this for a very long time...