I just had to uninstall the nextdns agent from my Merlin+AMTM+Diversion+Skynet+Pixelserv setups. It seems when I use the nextdns scripted install (sh -c "$(curl -sL
https://nextdns.io/install)") the config changes it makes bypasses the Pixelserv setup b/c my stats stop incrementing. The lines it installs into /jffs/scripts/dnsmasq.postconf look suspect. During my "manual nextdns" config, I had to do this to make NextDNS play nice with pixelserv. This code came from
@dave14305 posting in late 2019 when we all started poking around adding NextDNS/AMTM/Merlin/Diversion/Pixelserv. Here's the link ->
My pixelserv address local IP is ->
. /opt/share/diversion/file/post-conf.div # Added by Diversion
# For NextDNS to play nice with PixelServ
. /usr/sbin/helper.sh
if [ "$(nvram get dnspriv_enable)" = "1" ] && [ -n "$(nvram get dnspriv_rulelist | grep nextdns)" ]; then
pc_append "alias=," "$CONFIG"
pc_delete "stop-dns-rebind" "$CONFIG"
# <EOF>
Any thoughts if the NextDNS installer will play nice with PixelServ in the future? Thanks for all the work on this. I really like the NextDNS service. I don't understand all the redirection across the services so I apologize if I've hozed something up with my "odd pixelserv IP"