Very Senior Member
Thanks Asat. I had setup a build environment a year or so ago. I will dust it off and try this out.Here's my patch file for the Asuswrt-Merlin 380.57 Linux kernel for ARM routers. It enables the USB-to-serial drivers: FTDI, CH341 and PL2303. And it disables the GSM modem driver. It also enables the kernel for use with NTPd and PPS over USB.
I just ordered an RS-232 to USB cable that uses the FTDI chipset (and claims to support PPS over DCD). I need to do some soldering over the next few days!
In the mean time, I have moved the GPS 18X over to my Asuswrt-Merlin Coprocessor (Banana Pi) and it is happily getting a nice steady GPS time.