Occasional Visitor
I'm fishing around to see if anyone else has ran across something similar using an AX88U as a TAP OpenVPN server. I can't pin down when it started happening, but I can verify it didn't knock the router out in the past.
When I try to connect home with a Windows 10 client with the latest version of OpenVPN with GUI, it eventually causes the router to reboot. Usually I can connect, run a consistent ping to the gateway, and everything will work fine for a bit until it spontaneously reboots. Sometimes I can't and it causes an immediate reboot. The system logs don't show anything out of the ordinary before the reboot.
I can't find a pattern, except this only happens with Windows 10. It doesn't happen using Android or Ubuntu on the same dual boot laptop. I have also reset and restored the router to default configuration and reloaded the OpenVPN setup with all other settings as default.
Certificates were created using the Easy RSA tool and copied them into the OpenVPN > Advanced > Keys and certificates on my AX88U.
When I try to connect home with a Windows 10 client with the latest version of OpenVPN with GUI, it eventually causes the router to reboot. Usually I can connect, run a consistent ping to the gateway, and everything will work fine for a bit until it spontaneously reboots. Sometimes I can't and it causes an immediate reboot. The system logs don't show anything out of the ordinary before the reboot.
I can't find a pattern, except this only happens with Windows 10. It doesn't happen using Android or Ubuntu on the same dual boot laptop. I have also reset and restored the router to default configuration and reloaded the OpenVPN setup with all other settings as default.
Certificates were created using the Easy RSA tool and copied them into the OpenVPN > Advanced > Keys and certificates on my AX88U.