Regular Contributor
Tried to overclock my router, instead brought down my BogoMIPS to 10% of original values. And yes, it can be felt in the router UI, everything is much slower, CPU cores run constantly at +80% (before they rarely jumped over 10% in average browsing use)
Stock frequencies: 1000, 666
ARMv7 processor rev 0 (v71)
Model: AC68U running Merlin v.384.18
BogoMIPS: ~1990 (can't recall exactly)
Ran the following code:
Success?! nvram get clkfreq returns 1200,800 even after several reboots (hard & soft)
Router web UI interface (in Tools, Sysinfo) also shows a CPU frequency of 1200, however...
When running cat /proc/cpuinfo in the ssh the BogoMips have fallen to 199.06 / 199.47
Now everything is slower. I have searched the forum but couldn't find anything similar happening to anyone. Please help.
Stock frequencies: 1000, 666
ARMv7 processor rev 0 (v71)
Model: AC68U running Merlin v.384.18
BogoMIPS: ~1990 (can't recall exactly)
Ran the following code:
nvram set asuscfeclkfreq=1200,800 && nvram set asuscfecommit=1
nvram set clkfreq=1200,800 && nvram commit && reboot
Success?! nvram get clkfreq returns 1200,800 even after several reboots (hard & soft)
Router web UI interface (in Tools, Sysinfo) also shows a CPU frequency of 1200, however...
When running cat /proc/cpuinfo in the ssh the BogoMips have fallen to 199.06 / 199.47
Now everything is slower. I have searched the forum but couldn't find anything similar happening to anyone. Please help.