Hello a have just bought an AC68U and installed Merlin firmware 376.49_4.
A have this issu:
*My DDNS gets registred when a configuar it, but in home screen it stock on "Wait a while for verifying..." (I use NOIP)
* Parental Controll it seems not to update the change a have don, but when a restart the router it updates the new settings.
This worked on my other router RT-N56U Before.
* After a installer Merlins firmware a tried to go back to Asus firmware, both in recovery mode and in WEB Gui, it uploads but when the router restarts have nothing change under Tools it shows Merlin still! Please help me.
A have this issu:
*My DDNS gets registred when a configuar it, but in home screen it stock on "Wait a while for verifying..." (I use NOIP)
* Parental Controll it seems not to update the change a have don, but when a restart the router it updates the new settings.
This worked on my other router RT-N56U Before.
* After a installer Merlins firmware a tried to go back to Asus firmware, both in recovery mode and in WEB Gui, it uploads but when the router restarts have nothing change under Tools it shows Merlin still! Please help me.