I downloaded and installed pfblockerNG-devel today but actually i am a bit concerned switching it on
The package doesn't come with any feeds pre-loaded. You have to tell it first what you want to block. We shop online, we bank online, we use Amazon Prime and Netflix, my daughters search for things a lot (high school and university materials), data is uploaded and downloaded, Skype/Viber are in active use, VoIP phone... no complaints. I have "Plan B" and "Plan C" procedures though in cases something stops working when I'm not around:
"Plan B" is a global disaster escape plan. It is a pre-configured AIO router. Turn pfSense off, turn AIO on, very simple. The entire network is restored in 2 minutes time, same SSIDs, same IPs per device, printers, phones, everything. "Plan B" was my life insurance policy during setting up pfSense. My ISP provides 2 x IPs, so "Plan B" and pfSense may coexist peacefully on the same modem. "Plan B" is good for hardware malfunctions also, things break, you never know.
"Plan C" is a temporary local client escape plan. If something gets blocked by error in pfSense, it comes to play. It had to be used few times in the early stages, but I fixed what was causing issues. It's a good thing to have "Plan C", it's user friendly and very simple - drill through pfSense with a VPN tunnel initiated at the client. What pfSense can't see, it can't block. Now, the VPN itself may become blocked on the way by someone else, but it's only a temporary escape plan, not perfect.
If you want, I can make your life much easier by sharing the "home use" settings I came up with in both pfBlockerNG and Suricata. And I actually use IPS in Suricata (blocking). I have about 250GB traffic weekly and I see about 50.000 blocked IPs and DNS requests in pfBlockerNG, plus about 50 blocks hanging all the time in Suricata (they change, my blocking is for 1h) and still Internet works just fine. No complaints whatsoever in last month. We may come together with something even better and this will benefit all the people following this thread.
Anything that breaks, look in the logs/reports and whitelist.
No. This is a full time job. Not a good idea to rely on whitelisting things one by one.