So I wanted to see if I could get Entware installed and then install this Netdata app as well. I believe I got Entware installed by using Voxels readme file.
I was able to run use “/opt/bin/opkg update” and “/opt/bin/opkg upgrade”.
However when I got to try to get Netdata app installed, I'm getting the following:
--2020-03-31 14:35:08--
Connecting to||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 1581232 (1.5M) [application/vnd.shana.informed.package]
Saving to: 'netdata_1.19.0-1_cortex-a15-3x.ipk'
netdata_1 0%[ ] 0 --.-KB/s
netdata_1. 2%[ ] 35.04K 94.7KB/s
netdata_1.1 5%[> ] 85.95K 143KB/s
netdata_1.19 8%[> ] 124.13K 134KB/s
netdata_1.19. 13%[=> ] 204.73K 181KB/s
netdata_1.19.0 18%[==> ] 278.26K 208KB/s
netdata_1.19.0- 23%[===> ] 358.87K 230KB/s
netdata_1.19.0-1 29%[====> ] 455.02K 255KB/s
netdata_1.19.0-1_ 36%[======> ] 562.49K 281KB/s
netdata_1.19.0-1_c 44%[=======> ] 691.17K 311KB/s
netdata_1.19.0-1_co 54%[=========> ] 833.99K 344KB/s
etdata_1.19.0-1_cor 66%[============> ] 1021K 389KB/s
tdata_1.19.0-1_cort 83%[===============> ] 1.26M 454KB/s
data_1.19.0-1_corte 97%[==================> ] 1.47M 492KB/s
etanetdata_1.19.0-1_co 100%[===================>] 1.51M 496KB/s in 3.1s
2020-03-31 14:35:12 (496 KB/s) - 'netdata_1.19.0-1_cortex-a15-3x.ipk' saved [1581232/1581232]
root@R7800:/tmp$ opkg install netdata_1.19.0-1_cortex-a15-3x.ipk
Unknown package 'netdata'.
Collected errors:
* pkg_hash_fetch_best_installation_candidate: Packages for netdata found, but incompatible with the architectures configured
* opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package netdata.
Let me know if I missed something...