Viktor Jaep
Part of the Furniture
Yus!!Well shoot, on a whim I disabled SKYNET and reconfigured WXMON with Imperial and Airport and my Airport - and it worked, mostly...
OK... I'll have that fixed in the next release. This probably would only happen on the first time through... you wouldn't see it next time you downloaded weather.Got this when asking for Aviation:
[Downloading WX Feeds]...rm: can't remove '/jffs/addons/wxmon.d/wxmetar.txt': No such file or directory
rm: can't remove '/jffs/addons/wxmon.d/wxtaf.txt': No such file or directory
Can't be mine! I'm running mine! LOLI know I added a custom list of what to ban that I got from another thread, I think it might be yours but double checking...
You can probably just re-enable skynet, and just add some whitelist entries for these kinds of things. Take a look at your syslog, and see if anything is getting blocked outbound when you're performing these actions -- gives you some insight which IP its complaining about that you can then whitelist.