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Samba Share Users Mixup

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Regular Contributor
I’m on 3004.388.7 on my AX86U_Pro, and have come across an apparent bug in the Network Place share section of the WebUI.

I believe (I might be wrong, this is going by my memory), it is usually the case that the main user you create when you setup the Router is the first user in the list of Users for Network Place shares. This user account uses the same password as set for the account when you create it (I.e. the same password to login to the webui), and cannot be deleted from the Network Place users.

I previously added an additional user for samba shares on my network to use, so that I wasn’t giving out the password for the router’s admin user.

However, this user and the main router admin user seem to have become switched in the Network Place section of the WebUI, such that the additional user I created (called LAN-Shared) is now at the top of the list of Users, and the User that has the same name as the router’s admin user is below it. I now can’t change the password for the LAN-Shared user (but I can for the user that has the same name as the admin user).

I was even able to entirely delete the User that has the same name as the router’s admin user from the list of Network Place Users.

This isn’t normal and expected behavior, right? Has anyone else experienced this?
This is a long standing post-update glitch that has been discussed many times.

OK, right. Well, thank you for that. Did these many previous discussions that you’re aware of ever find a solution?

I did search for the terms “network place user” and “samba share user” before I posted this, and couldn’t see anything relevant.
So I followed your instructions in that other post (thank you for that), and it seemed to have worked somewhat, in that it cleared all the users and there were no longer any users listed in the Network Place webui after reboot.

But then when I tried to add the admin user back (as in, using the same username and password as the one used to login to the webui, let’s say the username is “jimbo”) it instead added a user literally called ‘admin’ instead, even though I’d never typed that. And then when I tried to add the additional user with the name ‘LAN-Shared’, that’s when the jimbo user suddenly appeared, :/ so now there are three: admin, jimbo and LAN-Shared. It definitely seems like quite a buggy ui, I assume on ASUS’ end so not much @RMerlin can do to address?

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