Butterfly Bones
Very Senior Member
Well now that my free trial has expired, it is not as nice and useful now for a home user of syslog-ng only. I would actually pay a small monthly to use it, but $79 USD monthly and they only bill annually, so that is not worth it to me. This is the only page I can access now. I *think* it can be useful if I spend the time and learn how to use the search options there. I just spent too much time jousting with the syslog-ng windmills recently.@Butterfly Bones, now that you have free time, perhaps you would describe what you've done with loggly? I haven't dug into it myself but I know you spent some time customizing your charts and I'd like to go to school on what you did.

You need to sign up for an account, that is free 14 days with full access.
I started here.
Get your customer token and save it for the next step.
This page for syslog-ng setup to get a loggly filter (name it 0loggly so it gets read first, that is numeral zero) and all others get sent to Loggly. It goes in /opt/entware/etc/syslog-ng,d with the other filter files.
This is my 0loggly filter (replace YOUR_CUSTOMER_TOKEN_HERE and YOUR_TAG). I remember checking and this is from the one you posted earlier in this thread.
### Syslog-ng Logging Directives for Loggly.com ###
template LogglyFormat { template("<${PRI}>1 ${ISODATE} ${HOST} ${PROGRAM} ${PID} ${MSGID} [YOUR_CUSTOMER_TOKEN_HERE0@41058 tag=\"YOUR_TAG\" ] $MSG\n");
destination d_loggly {
tcp("logs-01.loggly.com" port(514) template(LogglyFormat));
log {
### END Syslog-ng Logging Directives for Loggly.com ###

It is pretty simple, unless you get tripped up by all the scripting symbols like I do.

That is all I remember doing, if anyone does this and has questions, let me know.