Here is an update on getting Skynet logging working on my RT-AC86u. After four uninstall scribe, let things run, reinstall scribe, I have almost all logging that I want to see working the way it does without scribe.
My final step that worked is to disable Skynet before scribe install. After adding my own filter files to logrotate.d and syslog-ng.d, verifying all permissions chmod 600, then I restarted Skynet and went into setting there and changed logging to custom /opt/var/log/skynet-0.log (without Skynet running scribe did not change log location, as designed I assume). It seems that there is an issue installing scribe on the AC86u with Skynet running, at least for me.
Here is Skynet info from today and yesterday from various sources.
cat /mnt/SNB/skynet/skynet.log
Apr 19 00:00:03 RT-AC86U-4608 Skynet[1880]: [#] 145203 IPs (+0) -- 1737 Ranges Banned (+0) || 487 Inbound -- 0 Outbound Connections Blocked! [save] [3s]
Apr 19 01:00:03 RT-AC86U-4608 Skynet[15681]: [#] 145203 IPs (+0) -- 1737 Ranges Banned (+0) || 595 Inbound -- 0 Outbound Connections Blocked! [save] [3s]
Apr 19 03:00:03 RT-AC86U-4608 Skynet[10666]: [#] 145203 IPs (+0) -- 1737 Ranges Banned (+0) || 801 Inbound -- 0 Outbound Connections Blocked! [save] [3s]
Apr 19 04:00:03 RT-AC86U-4608 Skynet[24062]: [#] 145203 IPs (+0) -- 1737 Ranges Banned (+0) || 944 Inbound -- 0 Outbound Connections Blocked! [save] [3s]
Apr 19 07:00:04 RT-AC86U-4608 Skynet[32336]: [#] 145203 IPs (+0) -- 1737 Ranges Banned (+0) || 1307 Inbound -- 0 Outbound Connections Blocked! [save] [3s]
cat /mnt/SNB/skynet/events.log
Apr 18 14:00:03 Skynet: [#] 145203 IPs (+0) -- 1737 Ranges Banned (+0) || 116 Inbound -- 0 Outbound Connections Blocked! [save] [3s]
Apr 18 15:00:03 Skynet: [#] 145203 IPs (+0) -- 1737 Ranges Banned (+0) || 228 Inbound -- 0 Outbound Connections Blocked! [save] [3s]
Apr 18 16:00:03 Skynet: [#] 145203 IPs (+0) -- 1737 Ranges Banned (+0) || 340 Inbound -- 0 Outbound Connections Blocked! [save] [3s]
Apr 18 17:00:03 Skynet: [#] 145203 IPs (+0) -- 1737 Ranges Banned (+0) || 461 Inbound -- 0 Outbound Connections Blocked! [save] [3s]
Apr 18 18:00:03 Skynet: [#] 145203 IPs (+0) -- 1737 Ranges Banned (+0) || 605 Inbound -- 0 Outbound Connections Blocked! [save] [3s]
Apr 18 19:00:03 Skynet: [#] 145203 IPs (+0) -- 1737 Ranges Banned (+0) || 735 Inbound -- 0 Outbound Connections Blocked! [save] [3s]
I see the ongoing debug events from Skynet using tail on /opt/var/log/skynet-0.log, just no SAVE or BANMALWARE events. Since I know something strange occurs with the two native Skynet logs, i have not tried to search those in Skynet menu.
and from Loggly which verifies [save] works! I can export from Loggly, but I've not learned how to preserve timestamps, so a screen cap will have to do.
Also now I see some events that I have no desire to filter, Diversion actions, service events show in the webGUI syslog, along with a plethora of empty kernel: events. I know this is being looked at, so this is not a complaint.
Apr 18 22:00:00 RT-AC86U-4608 rc_service[6671]: service 6671:notify_rc restart_leds
Apr 18 22:00:00 RT-AC86U-4608 custom_script[1]: Running /jffs/scripts/service-event (args: restart leds) - max timeout = 120s
Apr 18 22:07:51 RT-AC86U-4608 kernel: x 14
Apr 19 00:00:00 RT-AC86U-4608 rc_service[1315]: service 1315:notify_rc restart_httpd
Apr 19 00:00:00 RT-AC86U-4608 custom_script[1]: Running /jffs/scripts/service-event (args: restart httpd) - max timeout = 120s
Apr 19 00:00:00 RT-AC86U-4608 RT-AC86U[1]: start https:8443
Apr 19 00:00:00 RT-AC86U-4608 RT-AC86U[1]: start httpd:80
Apr 19 00:07:58 RT-AC86U-4608 kernel: x 45
Apr 19 05:20:03 RT-AC86U-4608 Diversion[9873]: rotated dnsmasq log files, from /opt/share/diversion/file/rotate-logs.div
Apr 19 05:38:31 RT-AC86U-4608 kernel: x 4
Apr 19 06:00:00 RT-AC86U-4608 rc_service[18303]: service 18303:notify_rc restart_httpd
Apr 19 06:00:00 RT-AC86U-4608 custom_script[1]: Running /jffs/scripts/service-event (args: restart httpd) - max timeout = 120s
Apr 19 06:00:00 RT-AC86U-4608 RT-AC86U[1]: start https:8443
Apr 19 06:00:00 RT-AC86U-4608 RT-AC86U[1]: start httpd:80
Apr 19 06:27:41 RT-AC86U-4608 kernel: x 4
Apr 19 07:00:00 RT-AC86U-4608 rc_service[31800]: service 31800:notify_rc restart_leds
Apr 19 07:00:01 RT-AC86U-4608 custom_script[1]: Running /jffs/scripts/service-event (args: restart leds) - max timeout = 120s
Apr 19 07:06:16 RT-AC86U-4608 kernel: x 20
The only thing I want to resolve is the Banmalware cron job from Skynet. I can see using "cru l" that it is currently set to run at 01:25 but I can find anything in any log nor in Loggly. Is there a way to see if a cron ran other than the logs? (I know, really dumb question.)
I know others have set up their own cron jobs to run Skynet banmalware more often, maybe I'll try that.
So, thanks to
@tomsk and others, I am *finally* content to just sit on my hands and let this thing run. I'm also more than willing to play guinea pig to test and see if I can break it again!