I was having issues with unbound.log being handled by Scribe.
When I enabled logging in unbound_manager by using 3, scribe, the router GUI would freeze when accessing System Log.
I got around that by using uiScribe to exclude the unbound.log file, but of course, the GUI wouldn't show the log.
I'm not sure what sequence of events I did that showed the unbound.log 'box' in the GUI, but with no logging, but I thought I had it working until yesterday when I was shown in another thread that I should be seeing something there!
I tried many combinations of st and rs in Scribe but nothing worked.
I finally had a chance to do some more detective work and cleanup on my own router today.
The unbound.log file was 130MB!
Using WinSCP, I located it in /opt/var/log/ and deleted it.
In unbound_manager, I once again ran 3, scribe. I also used uiScribe to include the excluded unbound.log file and now the GUI and the unbound log are showing life. Success!
My only question now is that in a very short time (less than 10 minutes), the unbound.log file is at 1MB already.
My question is should I be concerned about how fast the log file is growing? Or will Scribe take care of this now for me?