Very Senior Member
I'm not sure either ... there are similar messages (I'm away from home right now, so I can't check exactly) when a log file is rotated, its inode changes, so syslog-ng restarts it. BUT, that should all happen in the middle of the night. At this point, I'd guess you have a bad USB drive, or maybe it's full.I keep getting this error in
Code:Feb 13 08:47:01 AC3100 syslog-ng[10549]: The current log file has a mismatching size/inode information, restarting from the beginning; state='affile_sd_curpos(/var/lib/logrotate.status)', stored_inode='7925593', cur_file_inode='7937689', stored_size='207', cur_file_size='207', raw_stream_pos='0'
Not sure how to fix it, or if its even a scribe issue, but I see it in uiScribe in the WebUI which lately has been locking up and becoming non-responsive until I restart scribe.
I've tried two complete uninstalls, reboots, etc.
RT-AC3100 (armv7l) FW-384.15
Usually a non-responsive webUI is from log files that have gotten too big, but restarting scribe (which really just restarts syslog-ng and uiScribe) shouldn't change the log file size.