Part of the Furniture
I know you're kidding! (and so was I)
I followed up on your post telling that; I want to be able to selectively rout ports. I haven't laid out the complete network, not to make things more complicated than they already are. But to shed some light: I have a few applications (that use a unique port) that connect to the office, these require a VPN. BUT I also have my personal VPN. So when travelling abroad (for a living that is, not the occasional holiday (*) ) I want uhm...need to be able to redirect ports to WAN, VPN1 and VPN2 from the same computer. And that's just one computer.
I already achieved that with both the script and the GUI. Thanks to your suggestions I was able to do that in multiple ways; selectively routing devices is not the problem.
Exactly! Question remains: how do I do that, is it as simple as altering the script with the few lines (as I wrote in the post in red)?
Thanks for helping me out Martineau, I really appreciate it.
(*) We (me and 2 to 3 collegues) set up shop at the client's office, and we bring our own router (so we can connect to eachother without the hassle of security, permission etc.). Every team member (team members rotate) requires VPN access to the office, but we'd like to watch national television remote as well, hence the 2 VPNs and selective port routing.
Well I'm sure that's not a breach of professional conduct ...watching TV on a client's premises while you are supposed to be working?