I had to manually edit skynet.cfg because logmode="". I changed it logmode="enabled" and it's starting now.Having an issue with the new version not starting after a firewall restart. Seems maybe a leftover debugmode reference. This is the output of running
Code:sh -x /jffs/scripts/firewall start skynetloc=/tmp/mnt/apps/skynet
+ export PATH=/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin/opt/bin:/opt/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/home/rtradmin:/mmc/sbin:/mmc/bin:/mmc/usr/sbin:/mmc/usr/bin:/opt/sbin:/opt/bin:/opt/usr/sbin:/opt/usr/bin
+ printf \033[?7l
+ clear
+ sed -n 2,14p /jffs/scripts/firewall
# _____ _ _ __ #
# / ____| | | | / / #
# | (___ | | ___ _ _ __ ___| |_ __ __/ /_ #
# \___ \| |/ / | | | '_ \ / _ \ __| \ \ / / '_ \ #
# ____) | <| |_| | | | | __/ |_ \ V /| (_) | #
# |_____/|_|\_\\__, |_| |_|\___|\__| \_/ \___/ #
# __/ | #
# |___/ #
# #
## - 01/10/2019 - Asus Firewall Addition By Adamm v6.8.7 #
## https://github.com/Adamm00/IPSet_ASUS #
+ export LC_ALL=C
+ mkdir -p /tmp/skynet/lists
+ ntptimer=0
+ nvram get ntp_ready
+ [ 1 = 0 ]
+ [ 0 -ge 300 ]
+ date +%s
+ stime=1570031120
+ grep -ow skynetloc=.* # Skynet /jffs/scripts/firewall-start
+ awk {print $1}
+ grep -vE ^#
+ cut -c 11-
+ skynetloc=/tmp/mnt/apps/skynet
+ skynetcfg=/tmp/mnt/apps/skynet/skynet.cfg
+ skynetlog=/tmp/mnt/apps/skynet/skynet.log
+ skynetevents=/tmp/mnt/apps/skynet/events.log
+ skynetipset=/tmp/mnt/apps/skynet/skynet.ipset
+ [ -z /tmp/mnt/apps/skynet ]
+ [ ! -d /tmp/mnt/apps/skynet ]
+ nvram get wan0_proto
+ [ dhcp = pppoe ]
+ nvram get wan0_proto
+ [ dhcp = pptp ]
+ nvram get wan0_proto
+ [ dhcp = l2tp ]
+ nvram get wan0_ifname
+ iface=eth0
+ [ -z start ]
+ [ -n ]
+ trap Spinner_End EXIT
+ [ -f /tmp/mnt/apps/skynet/skynet.cfg ]
+ . /tmp/mnt/apps/skynet/skynet.cfg
+ model=RT-AC68U
+ localver=v6.8.6
+ autoupdate=enabled
+ banmalwareupdate=daily
+ forcebanmalwareupdate=
+ logmode=
+ filtertraffic=outbound
+ swaplocation=/tmp/mnt/apps/myswap.swp
+ swappartition=
+ blacklist1count=141530
+ blacklist2count=1669
+ customlisturl=
+ customlist2url=
+ countrylist=
+ excludelists=
+ unbanprivateip=enabled
+ loginvalid=disabled
+ banaiprotect=enabled
+ securemode=enabled
+ extendedstats=enabled
+ fastswitch=disabled
+ syslogloc=/tmp/syslog.log
+ syslog1loc=/tmp/syslog.log-1
+ iotblocked=disabled
+ iotports=
+ iotproto=udp
+ lookupcountry=enabled
+ cdnwhitelist=enabled
+ Display_Header 9
+ printf \n\n=============================================================================================================\n\n\n
+ Check_Lock start skynetloc=/tmp/mnt/apps/skynet
+ [ -f /tmp/skynet.lock ]
+ echo start skynetloc=/tmp/mnt/apps/skynet
+ echo 18528
+ date +%s
+ lockskynet=true
+ echo start skynetloc=/tmp/mnt/apps/skynet
+ sed s~start ~~g
+ logger -st Skynet [%] Startup Initiated... ( skynetloc=/tmp/mnt/apps/skynet )
Skynet: [%] Startup Initiated... ( skynetloc=/tmp/mnt/apps/skynet )
+ Unload_Cron all
+ [ -z all ]
+ cru d Skynet_save
+ cru d Skynet_banmalware
+ cru d Skynet_autoupdate
+ cru d Skynet_checkupdate
+ Check_Settings
+ [ ! -f /tmp/mnt/apps/skynet/skynet.cfg ]
+ [ -z /tmp/syslog.log ]
+ [ -z /tmp/syslog.log-1 ]
+ [ -z disabled ]
+ [ -z udp ]
+ [ -z enabled ]
+ [ -z enabled ]
+ [ -z ]
/jffs/scripts/firewall: line 5143: debugmode: parameter not set or null
+ Spinner_End
+ [ -f /tmp/skynet/spinstart ]
This may be self-inflicted because I switched from John's fork back to Merlin and restored an older JFFS before the 6.8.7 update, but the USB was the same with a newer cfg file for skynet.