I just ran a quick experiment to see what effect VPN would have on my connection speed. Since I was just looking for a general indication only, I used Netfflix's Fast.com. My FIOS connection is supposed to give me 100Mbps (it never quite reaches that). I tried the speed test without any VPN and got 95 Mbps. I then used the VPN app on my Dell laptop and used the Washington DC location of ExpressVPN. This gave me 47Mbps. That is probably not apples and apples since it is Washington DC rather than a local New Jersey location. But then I ran the same test with VPN engaged on my Asus AT-AC68R router with ASUS-Merlin to the same Washington DC site and got a little less than 10 Mbps. That is a big drop, 47 to 10 Mbps. I am not a computer techie but I am guessing that it might be because of the lower memory in the router. Is that assumption correct? Does this look reasonable or do you think I have a problem with my router.