Occasional Visitor
Did you try scan/try the IP address of the Open VPN connection? Or the normal WAN IP address?
I can reproduce it on my router with those steps:
- Router is switched on. No Open VPN running. I get the WAN IP address AAA.AAA.AAA.AAA from my provider. I do a portscan on this AAA.AAA.AAA.AAA address --> all ports closed (as it should be)
- I start the OpenVPN connection. All my outgoing traffic is now sent over the VPN. I get a VPN address BBB.BBB.BBB.BBB. Thus the router has now two external IP addresses AAA.... and BBB...
- I do a portscan on AAA.AAA.AAA.AAA --> still all ports closed.
- I do a portscan on BBB.BBB.BBB.BBB --> port 80 (router web interface) and port 22 (ssh) is open and accessible from outside.
My issue is: if you do not know this behaviour and you use OpenVPN for your outgoing traffic e.g. due to privacy or censorship reasons, you are always opening access to ssh and webinterface to the outside as well. Basically I was exposing those access to the outside for months without knowing (thank god I have a strong admin password), and only stumbled upon it by accident due to the strange entries in the logfile.
I preface by saying i don't know much about this setup...
BUT - if you were to use a 3rd party connection (say a cell phone that is not connected to your home lan, or a neighbor's connection) and you browse your IP's SSH port or Port 80, do you get to your router's SSH/Port 80 page?
I'm wondering if the bbb ip is a shared IP - and they the ISP has these ports on, but forwarding to a server/services on their local LAN?
IGNORE THIS - i didn't realize all of page two existed and covers pretty much this exact question. I will exit stage, right.
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