Butterfly Bones
Very Senior Member
There has to be something calling Stubby.sh twice somewhere in your scripts. I thing you need to comb through the all the jffs scripts to find it.I have the same yet I see this in my syslogs at the end of the reboot after Skynet is done starting:
And the port forwarding log shows the instruction shows two more entries, so 4 in total. Looks like this:Code:Feb 9 12:02:10 (install_stubby.sh): 438 Ending Script Execution Feb 9 12:02:10 (install_stubby.sh): 2541 Ending Script Execution
Code:Source Proto Port range Redirect to Local Port Chain ALL UDP 53 53 PREROUTING ALL TCP 53 53 PREROUTING ALL UDP 53 53 PREROUTING ALL TCP 53 53 PREROUTING
If you have a remote FTP client, try what I do - copy the jffs scripts directory to my computer and then do a file search for a string like "stubby" in all files in that directory. I use FileZilla on Linux to do that, not sure what exists for Windows... There is a "find" in my AC86U might be from Entware findutils, but the help output is way over my head, since regex is as foreign to me as scripting, I'm just a dolt with both.