Hi all. I'm new on these forums and am also a new owner of the Synology RT2600.
Should this be in a new thread or is it OK to post here?
I've been a Synology NAS user for many years and thought I'd try out their latest router. I haven't really tested it much, as my primary need is for it to be able to handle IPTV from my ISP (BT in UK). It
was working somewhat intermittently then I would get no signal or constant break-ups. I put it back in the box with the intention of returning it but something has been telling me to keep trying. I've decided to give it till the end of the weekend before finally deciding. In fairness I'm not sure if it's entirely down to the router of if my home network setup (multiple powerline adapters) is contributing to the problems. In saying
that - my previous router (Asus RT N6U) had no problems on the
same network.
Has anyone else used this router with IPTV? There was an option in the GUI to allocate one port as an IPTV port, but I found something very strange happened when I did this. The router disconnected from the internet for about 5 seconds then restored the connection. It did this every time I changed this setting. My available time for experimenting is very limited, as the family use the TV and internet almost most of the evening.
I enabled several IGMP settings and hoped that would work but my "limited time window" meant it was easier to pack it up for a return. Can anyone offer any advice for my last go this weekend
