Great, good start

Also good.
Plug one in please, you need it for entware, which is in turn needed for Tailscale/TAILMON. You can format it from amtm's (fd) script.
Optware is just a package manager, like Entware. I believe Optware is also installed to a USB, but I do not know for sure, as I have never used Optware TBH.
However as you wrote (above), this line (that follows), I assumed you had both the DownloadMaster and Optware installed...
"But Asus vrrsion of Optware which is DownloadMaster needs to be unistalled first???$#%%"; typos left in for authenticity...
No biggy; if you have reset your Router, jffs will be clear and amtms' (fd) will format the Disk "as new" so any Optware that might have been on it will be gone now. I believe (not 100% sure) that that Optware package manager is normally installed to a USB disk (not the Router), but if
you never installed it, it won't be there and really it doesn't matter as you're about to format it.
Yes; Entware does reside on the USB (is needed by the Tailscale Install), which is why you need one and need to format it as above.