Yes, I tried both. Pings and ssh attempts failed as well.
It appears that starting the daemon (tailscaled) then running tailscale with "up --accept-routes=false" gets it working best.
I had first installed the Tailscale qpkg using the manual method from Tailscales web site (
This will setup the binaries and directories. I did NOT enable it though. Since it doesn't work how I wanted, I just took the manual setup a few steps further
I ended up adding a startup script in "" that starts tailscaled then does the "tailscale up --accept-routes=false".
I online fine now - both tailnet and local. The has it so tailscale survives reboots.
Here is the sequence I did:
1) Make sure "Run user defined processes during startup" is checked in Control Panel->System->Hardware
2) Mount the config ramblock (where config/ lives):
mount $(/sbin/hal_app --get_boot_pd port_id=0)6 /tmp/config
3) Edit /tmp/config/ and add the following line:
/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/Tailscale/tailinit &
4) Make sure is executable (chmod +x
5) Unmount /tmp/config
umount /tmp/config
6) Go to the tailscale directory:
cd /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/Tailscale
7) Create/edit "tailinit" and add the following lines:
QPKG_ROOT=`/sbin/getcfg ${QPKG_NAME} Install_Path -f ${CONF}`
QPKG_PORT=`/sbin/getcfg ${QPKG_NAME} Service_Port -f ${CONF}`
set -e
mkdir -p /home/httpd/cgi-bin/qpkg
ln -sf ${QPKG_ROOT}/ui /home/httpd/cgi-bin/qpkg/${QPKG_NAME}
mkdir -p -m 0755 /tmp/tailscale
if [ -e /tmp/tailscale/ ]; then
PID=$(cat /tmp/tailscale/
if [ -d /proc/${PID}/ ]; then
echo "${QPKG_NAME} is already running."
exit 0
logger -t "tailinit" "Starting tailscaled"
${QPKG_ROOT}/tailscaled --port ${QPKG_PORT} --statedir=${QPKG_ROOT}/state --socket=/tmp/tailscale/tailscaled.sock 2> /dev/null &
echo $! > /tmp/tailscale/
sleep 3
${QPKG_ROOT}/tailscale up --accept-routes=false
logger -t "tailinit" "Taiscale started"
exit 0
8) Make sure tailinit is executable:
chmod +x tailinit
Before rebooting the NAS, you will need to run tailinit once from the command line for 2 reasons.
1 - to make sure it actually starts tailscaled and tailscale
2 - to authenticate the NAS. For the first time, it will stop and ask you to login with a specific login string. Put that line in a web browser and allow the QNap NAS
It should start up fine. The reason I created a separate "tailinit" file was that I can easily make changes to tailscale - without having to go through the re-mounting of the /tmp/config filesystem.
So far, working well!