Continuing thoughts on TS-451
Now 4 days into setting up/configuring/utilizing the TS-451.
Have tried setting up Ubuntu, Xubuntu, Mint and Zorin.
While they will all install and run in a VM with 1 core and 2GB ram, the only distro that is fluid and not choppy is the Xubuntu distro. Granted the Custom VM only goes up to Suse Linux Enterprise Server 11 and the current Ubuntu version is 14 (not sure if that makes any difference though)
You also need to make sure that when you create the custom VM you select VMVGA support under video (After you create the VM but before you start it)
An apparent
bug (very minor) is that when you have started the VM but try to use the QNAP Console it has a radio button you may select to make a given video rate the saved default... but it doesn't save it and you have to select it again next time you start the console from the QNAP interface. Using the built in Remote Desktop in OSX works fine as well as do other OSX VNC viewers.
I am using Backup Station on the QNAP to try to back up a ReadyNAS Pro6. QNAP does NOT include a RSYNC Pull so I had to go to the ReadyNAS and create a RSYNC Push job to the QNAP. It failed on all of my Large Folders (500 GB to 1.3TB) but completed jobs with small test folders. Ended up using RRTR over FTP from the QNAP to the ReadyNAS and all Three large folders completed with some minor errors. (e.g *.vmwarevm files and .temp files)
Also another
bug!? The RRTR job logs truncate when they get to large and the system references checking the main logs but when you select the link, no logs found for RRTR.
Considering what I want to do in the long run:
1) support raid6
2) use the Sophos UTM virtual machine as a home gateway
3) Replicate the Files and Folder structure on my ReadyNAS-Pro6
4) Utilize my existing stockpile of 2TB drives
I have come to the following conclusion (albeit using very seat of my pants testing)
With Media Station generating thumbnails (process utilizes ~17% CPU), running the UTM for the household in a VM (and requiring a virtual ethernet for the UTM) and one of the RRTR jobs running the QNAP CPU is hitting 90% plus on more than occasional basis. With 4GB of memory installed it is hitting 50-80% utilization. Additionally I am still not able to run a second VM (it will start but you don't want to use it)
So, If you only need to run one VM, not running a UTM as an appliance and/or are on a budget, the 451 is an amazing little box (especially with 4GB RAM).
For me wanting Raid6 using 2TB drives and needing more than 3.8TB space, wanting to run a UTM with physically separate ethernet ports and running low on both CPU and RAM resources... I am going to return the 451 and pick up a 653. 4 Cores, 4 ethernet ports and 8GB RAM with six 2TB drives will get me to where I need to be.
(I wont run 3TB+ drives in raid5 - )
The only features I miss on this little box are:
No XRAID, Hybrid Raid, Dynamic raid (ReadyNAS, Synology, Drobo)

A QNAP Roku station to utilize transcoding (Synology)