It is indeed. 3 streams on 80MHz wide channel with 256-QAM. You're killing the WiFi spectrum for no reason with this bridge. Don't be surprised you never get on other devices what you expect. You are going to kill the entire spectrum with those new AX routers pursuing your 1Gbps over WiFi throughput dream. I don't understand the idea behind it. You know better, I guess.
I guess ur math is better than mine ! why am killing anything ?!? u mean taking over the spectrum for my own ?!? am not in the US, no laws over here (UAE) prohibit you from using the newest wifi equipment and even if i have a bridge/router setup, what the hell is up ?!?! some ppl like building high end PCs, some like upgrading their car exhausts with crazy loud exhausts, some do worse things ! i love having the fastest Wireless router SETUP possibly reaching 1 Gbps Ethernet speed or faster WTH is wrong with that ?!?
thanks for your insight throughout this subject.